1 词典释义:
child psychologist
时间: 2025-03-12 09:29:54


  • American renowned child psychologist Lawrence Sappier Lou also agreed.


  • "Secrets are terrible things," agrees the child psychologist, Kathleen Doorbar. "They are infectious and destroy families."


  • "Even if the body is ready, a young girl is not mentally prepared to become a mother," warned child psychologist Carolina fernandez.


  • Child psychologist Dr Woolfson added that "supportive parenting" and regularly listening to classical music can also aid a child's memory.


  • Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success, " says child psychologist Michael Thompson."


  • American renowned child psychologist Lawrence sappier Lou said that, "Each people all are short of in some domain inborn comparison, but has the talent very much in another domain".


  • They thwart dastardly supervillains and have saved the world countless times over but macho superheroes now face a determined new foe in the guise of a mild-mannered child psychologist.


  • At the heart of imitation is understanding the difference between yourself and others - something that famous Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget thought didn't emerge immediately in infants.

    模仿的核心是理解自己和他人的区别——瑞士著名心理学家Jean Piaget(皮亚杰)认为对于婴儿来说,这并不是很快就能做到的。

  • "The results of our research confirm the traditional activity of storytelling continues to be a powerful learning and emotional resource in children's lives," said child psychologist Richard Woolfson.


  • Daniel J. Tomasulo, Ph.D., TEP, MFA is a licensed psychologist specializing in group psychotherapy and psychodrama, and author of the new book, Confessions of a Former Child: a Therapist's Memoir.


  • Canadian psychologist Dr Joe Flanders has carried out research that suggests rough and tumble play between father and son can be useful in teaching the child self-control.


  • Gregory Leskin, the director of military family program at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and a UCLA psychologist, isn't surprised by the findings.

    军人家庭计划的主任和国立儿童创伤应激网以及洛杉矶分校的心理学家,Gregory Leskin对此并不惊讶。

  • But Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, child and adolescent psychologist, said on "The Early Show" that, "Experience does not equal maturity."

    但儿童和青少年心理学家詹妮弗·哈特·斯坦博士(Dr . Jennifer Hartstein)在做客“晨间秀”时指出:体验并不等于成熟。

  • If it was a white child, she would be sitting somewhere with a psychologist, but this is an African child.


  • The stereotype of a lonely, spoiled, bossy and maladjusted only child dates back to 1896, when an American psychologist named Granville Stanley Hall did a research paper on the subject.

    对一个孤僻、被溺爱的、专横且有些不适应环境的独生子女的刻板印象始于1896年,那时一位美国心理学家格兰弗.斯坦利 Hall就这个主题作了一项研究报告。

  • When a child seeks to avoid school, the parents are advised to quickly request consultation with both the classroom teacher and the school psychologist.


  • Psychologist Joanna Schaffhausen said, “Mozart was a child prodigy; Beethoven was not. The world still marvels at both of them.”


  • The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairytale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on.


  • Don't hesitate to ask for additional assistance if your child is already working with a psychologist, social worker or child life specialist.


  • Okay. "you tell a teacher that, and they'll ask you, in all seriousness," Should we send this child to the psychologist?


  • US psychologist Dell has said: "the child needs certain space to grow, experiments own ability, how goes to the academic society to cope with the dangerous the situation."


  • The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairy tale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on.


  • A psychologist at the Beijing Child Research Institute advised us not to isolate him socially - in fact, we were warned that keeping him at home might worsen the maladaptation.
