Intense radiation would also weaken the structure of the spacecraft and damage its electronic instruments.
By mid-July, the tsuyu has begun to weaken over Japan, but the mei-yu retains its identity and structure in China, typically lying over the Yangtze valley in July and August.
Propose an overlap structure equalization algorithm for the pre-echo channel, which can weaken the dependence on feedforward equalizer, enhance the performance and reduce the complexity.
The cracks will affect the durability of wharf structural members and weaken the stiffness of wharf upper structure.
Factional infighting have weaken the party structure.
"At" may future weaken and become the attachment of verb, or keep the independence as a preposition, which is the essential reason for different understanding of "V at NP" structure.
To weaken the chatter from the controller, the theory of fuzzy logic was used to modify the discontinuous term. Based on fuzzy logic, a variable structure controller was gotten.
By using GPZ isolation bearings to weaken the connection of steel gallery, the units of structure become more regular.
Results show that eccentricity reduction can effectively weaken torsion effect and improve the structure of the seismic performance.
The changes of morphology, X-ray diffraction pattern and weaken of crystalline structure of the granules took place when the glutinous rice flour was hydroxypropylated.
糯米粉经羟丙基化变性后,颗粒形貌和X -光衍射图样发生变化,结晶区被削弱。
Apart from the occlusion of pressure transmission, it also can reduce the mechanical - chemical coupling and weaken the strength of the rock structure.