1 词典释义:
drawn under
时间: 2025-03-09 18:03:21
英 [drɔːn ˈʌndə]
美 [drɔn ˈəndər]


  • Red lines were drawn under the topic sentences.


  • Draft (s) bearing the clause Drawn under documentary credit No... (shown above) of... Bank.


  • Drafts bearing the clause“Drawn under documentary credit No. 19181117 of Bank of China, Dubai Branch”。


  • Drafts bearing the clause "Drawn under documentary credit No. 19181117 of Bank of China, Dubai Branch".


  • A running total of each player's score is kept, with a line drawn under his score every time he wins a hand.


  • Using concealer to have triangles drawn under the eyes with the points toward the cheeks will imitate the lifting effect.


  • This Credit remains valid in until (inclusive) and all draft (s) must be marked that they are drawn under this Letter of Credit.


  • Triangle can be divided into three lines, thus indicating a triangle can be decomposed into a straight line drawn under the two procedures.

    三角形可分割为3条直线,因此显示三角形就可分解为根据两点画直线的程序。- Programming。

  • Remarkably good, I say. 'Great, ' he replies, amusement and mockery present in his voice – a line is being audibly drawn under the subject. 'Well done.

    你自己怎么样啊?” 相当不错,我说。 “行啊你,”他回道,语气里掺着揶揄嘲弄——无疑,这个话题是不能继续下去了。

  • Drafts are to be drawn induplicate to our order bearing the clause "drawn under Bank of China, Singapore Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.194956 dated July.17, 2003".


  • The following day Dantès sailed with his yacht from Genoa, under the inspection of an immense crowd drawn together by curiosity to see the rich Spanish nobleman who preferred managing his own yacht.


  • When solitude thus reigned over the water, my whole attention would be drawn to the shadows under the banyan tree.


  • This stereotype has properties under it that enable you to set the access specifier for the inheritance drawn, as shown in Figure 6.

    这个建模下有它自己的属性,它们可以使您为继承特性设置 access specifier,如图 6所示。

  • China Daily conducted a small survey of 20 couples under 30 in the city, among whom 16 had drawn up prenuptial agreements.


  • So, after legal consultations, new ways to apply pressure on people under interrogation were drawn up.


  • It is now being taken over by Volkswagen, its erstwhile target in a drawn-out takeover battle, after buckling under the weight of debt and derivatives it took on in a bid to wrest control of VW.

    大众是保时捷旷日持久的收购战中的早期收购目标。 此前,保时捷为控制大众持有了大量债券和衍生品,却最终被压垮。

  • The only protocol drawn up under its remit, in Cartagena in 2003, seeks to avert damage by genetically modified organisms; not a front-rank threat.


  • Under its current guarantee to the bail-out fund, France has a contingent liability of 8% of GDP (if the fund were to be drawn down in full).

    在目前对紧急财政救援基金的担保额度下,法国的或有负债已经占到GDP8 %的额度(如果基金资金完全到位的话)。

  • A medical report drawn up by an approved medical service under contract with the employer or by an official medical authority is required if the sickness continues for two days or more.


  • The plan was drawn up under the chief engineer's personal guidance.


  • Try to avoid being drawn into a private conversation – the constant pressure of public scrutiny will help to ensure your issue is appropriately dealt with and not just swept under the rug.


  • Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963 a juvenile court must usually consist of three magistrates drawn from a panel of justices specially qualified to deal with juvenile cases.


  • Conclusions have been drawn in this thesis as follows: the process of teaching games should be under control with teaching objectives to serve the teaching content.


  • Profound analysis is made of the rule of seismic response of reticulated shell under multi-support excitations, and some important conclusions are drawn.


  • Finally, the contours of GDOP under various conditions in the specific surveillance region and the influence with basic line and the depth and so on are drawn by computer simulation.


  • The credit under the Letter of Credit shall be available by SELLER's draft at sight drawn on negotiating bank.


  • The specimens of 6063 aluminum alloy are tensioned under different stress triaxiality and different strain rates, the mechanical properties of 6063 aluminum alloy can be drawn.

