Physical exercises develop muscle.
Exercises develop muscle.
However, the more you practice, the easier it gets, because your brain will develop muscle memory so you don't even have to think about the movements anymore.
You'll develop a lighter, quicker step by running short, submaximal repeats engineered to adapt your neuromuscular system--your body's intricate network of brain, nerve, and muscle.
你可以跑短一些的强度低一些的轻快的高频 的反复跑来刺激你的肌肉神经系统——你身体复杂的头部、神经和肌肉系统。
It can also help younger babies develop the muscle strength they will need to crawl and walk.
Your brain, like a muscle, will develop with greater use.
Infected people initially develop fever, headaches, myalgia (muscle pain), sore throat and a dry cough.
As the body is trying to generate it's own heat you will develop uncontrolled muscle contraction.
He has managed to reprogram mouse connective-tissue cells so that they develop into cardiac muscle cells, and has tested them in the hearts of mice that have had heart attacks.
A church family helps you develop spiritual muscle.
Over time, those patients will develop heart failure because injured heart muscle tissue damaged by the heart attack will eventually be replaced by stiff scar tissue.
In the laboratory, scientists have been able to induce embryonic stem cells to develop into heart muscle cells or insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Adopt a healthy and athletic lifestyle to develop good muscle tone and lose weight.
Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle.
任何事情都阻挡不了一定要成功的人。 每一个障碍都是加强成就肌肉的一堂课。
The skeleton and muscle develop better in males, and the somatotype appears slender.
The middle embryonic germ layer lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm from which connective tissue muscle bone and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.
The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.
Regard the troubles and cares you encounter as the "punching bags" of fate, given you to develop your spiritual muscle .
Blurt out sentences to develop your international muscle.
It takes muscle in the inner life to persevere, and such muscle doesn't develop overnight. It comes only with strenuous workouts.
The muscle cells are surrounded by satellite cells, which can develop into mature muscle cells, each having a single nucleus.