What are the people saying? Look and match.
What can you see? How to read this word? Now let's do the exercise 'Look and match'.
Like dog owners and their pets, you can almost look at one or the other, and match the pair.
When lost pets are brought to animal shelters, people there use a special tool to look for the microchip and read the ID number on it, then they'll call the microchip company to match the number to the information of the pet's owner.
Because of the realistic look of computer animation, an animator need to be aware of how far to push the motion. The motion should match the design of the character and the world.
If at runtime it will look for a culture-country match first, and then check for just matching on culture.
A simple way to do this is to look through the real names of the users and match those names which consist of one name followed by a space followed by another name.
However, with local index scans, a partition needs to be locked first to do the index look-up and find a match.
In truth, I would miss men. I would miss their smell, and their fragile sweetness, and the way they look at Match of the Day 2 in that lopsided manner, like a lion ogling a chicken.
He currently lives in Raleigh, nc with his wife (who can take a functional web app and make it actually look good) and his dog (who can outrun him, but is no match for squirrels).
他目前与妻子(她可承担一个功能齐全的Web应用,并能将它做得相当好看。)及他的狗(它比他跑的快,但还比不上松鼠)住在Raleigh, NC。
When we look at the hierarchy, and the differences in process purpose, we begin to understand how to select and match the processes.
The solution must be capable of generating PDF forms that match traditional paper forms and then presenting these look-alike forms to the user.
The approach that you use to find a unique code is to look through the current spreadsheet data and see if any of the other project codes match a new candidate.
We're at a point in the cycle where companies look at 9% unemployment and think they must be able to find the perfect match for the job, so they're slow and deliberate about hiring.
Assess the opportunities, and look at how well your competencies match other job requirements.
The next two code listings will process the current key-release times and look for a match with the existing signatures.
For instance, if you convert paper forms, you want to use a form-centric method by which you first reproduce the look of the form, and then design a data model to match.
You will look for files that need to be copied and create any child subdirectories necessary in the target so the hierarchies will match after the copy.
"But the prose and the poetry match up," he said. "It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn't do what he's promised."
“But the prose and the poetry match up, ” he said. “It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn’t do what he’s promised.
“But the prose and the poetry match up,” he said. “It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn't do what he's promised.
It lets users perform fast keyword look-ups and finds the documents that match a given query.
Aquarius men do not fall in love easily. They are intellectuals by nature and look for a partner who can match up to their intellectual level.
The actor and his son Michael, 5, look totally pumped up for the March 31 match-up between the L.A. Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks at the Staples Center.
We will look first at the roles which compose a three-tiered Web application, and then match common implementation models to the project's requirements.
我们将首先考虑组成三层 Web 应用程序的角色,然后按照项目的需要匹配通用的实现模型。
Pomerleau and his team have used FMRI to scan the brains of volunteers to see if brain patterns match when they are thinking of similar things, and so far the results look promising.
Pomerleau 和他的团队已经使用功能磁共振成像技术扫描志愿者在想相似的东西时的大脑,研究大脑模型是否匹配,到目前为止,出来的结果很有希望。
True Blood's sensitive vampire lends his support to his rough-and-tumble daughter Lilac –just look at those knees!– during the 9-year-old's soccer match in Venice, Calif., in November 2010.
However, we wanted to match the host OS's look and feel. This means using native text rendering routines so that, for example, we can get ClearType on Windows.
Yes, I came back for the Chelsea match and United always look after me so well.