1 词典释义:
sheds light on
时间: 2025-03-09 19:21:50

vphr. 阐明;解释;使(事情)变得清楚;将…弄明白;提供信息;揭示;照亮;(shed light on的第三人称单数)

  • A nice video published online last month sheds light on expertise and the conscious mind.


  • The new PNAS study also sheds light on the difference between meaning and happiness, but on the biological level.

    新的 PNAS 研究也揭示了意义和幸福之间的差异,但只是在生物学层面上。

  • Because this sheds Light on the situation inside one's mind.


  • The secretariat's e-mail correspondence sheds light on several other matters.


  • And now, a new study sheds light on the role that dreams play in this important process.


  • A NEW estimate of the size of shadow economies around the world sheds light on a worrying trend.


  • The study sheds light on how insulin interacts with amyloid, a toxic protein found in Alzheimer's.


  • When someone sheds light on something, they reveal something about it or help you see it more clearly.


  • The group also sheds light on the exceptional discipline and order of the Qin army and its military equipment.

    而且通过这些陶俑群,也体现了秦军装备精良,纪律严明,斗志昂扬的军纪军貌。 收藏。

  • The author finds that FS is also fit for analysis of legal document and thus sheds light on legal translation.


  • This study sheds light on the problems of coherence and monotonous sentence patterns in ESL students' writings.


  • This study also sheds light on the relationship between climate-change attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour.


  • And, perhaps it sheds light on the classic posture of adolescent defiance: standing with one's arms crossed, cursing.


  • There are, fortunately, some closely related phenomena whose analysis sheds light on the workings of the Hopfield net.

    幸运的是,有一些密切相关的现象,可以使 Hopfield 网络的工作原理清楚明白地显示出来。

  • But Bernanke's figure is far more revealing, in that it sheds light on the true size of China's stake in keeping the u.


  • The finding sheds light on a possible ancient healing practice that may have been based on similar principles to acupuncture.


  • Relevance theory, with cognition and communication as its core, sheds light on this phenomenon as it is manifested in translation.


  • The justification of Andre Lefevere's statement sheds light on the limitations of the traditional approach to translation criticism.


  • The loss of the humanistic care sheds light on the fact that people have lost their personal integrity of human value and human dignity.


  • The Albanian project also sheds light on some murky questions about whom the bank recruits and co-operates with when it executes projects.


  • Insofar as the general experience of our own line during the winter campaign sheds light on this subject, it does not work out in practice.


  • The case sheds light on the highly competitive nature of the U.S. hotel industry and the growing importance of the so-called lifestyle brands.


  • Ongoing research from an OECD survey covering more than 12,000 households in 11 countries sheds light on drivers of pro-environmental behaviour.


  • This conception sheds light on the processes of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and suggests ways to improve FL learning and teaching.


  • The report of a recent inquiry in the Northern Territory (nt), where many such camps are located, sheds light on their less visible human misery.

    北部地区(Northern Territory, NT)就有很多这样的营地,对该地区的最新调查报告揭示了那里不太为人知的人类不幸的一面。

  • Better to base contracts only on information (like profits relative to the industry average) which sheds light on the manager's true performance.


  • The model sheds light on the implementation of an explicit learning approach by integrating the two factors with input and output in classroom learning.

    这样,这个模式处于一个整体循环中,保持了课堂教学中的输入和输出的平衡。 毫无疑问,显性学习方式将是中国大学生学习外语的重要方式。

  • Armed with interviews with her psychotherapist as well as autobiographical fragments, this new "psychobiography", sheds light on Arbus's opaque personality.
