1 词典释义:
most random
时间: 2025-01-20 12:39:23


  • What's the most random job you've had?


  • I got in trouble for the most random things.


  • Sometimes the most random everyday encounters force us to stop and rethink the truths and perceptions we have ingrained in our minds.


  • I developed SafeZone to trail prices with stops tight enough to protect capital but remote enough to keep clear of most random fluctuations.


  • As stated on the MMT About page, sometimes the most random everyday encounters force us to stop and rethink the truths and perceptions we have ingrained in our minds.


  • Most statisticians would not argue if you decided to reject the null hypothesis that the results can be accounted for in terms of random sampling variability from the null distribution.

    如果您决定 排除虚假设— 结果可以按照零分布的随机抽样可变性获得,那么大多数统计师都不会有争议。

  • Like most people, I connected with friends and did some random searching to better understand the service.


  • Most of the attacks that an organization will experience range from random, unstructured episodes to the well-organized and targeted variety—both of which tend to be automated.

    组织面临的大多数攻击包括随机、无组织的攻击和有组织的、有针对性的攻击 —— 两者往往都是自动进行的。

  • For instance, you might just show the 10 most popular articles, a random selection of articles, or a selection of "dissimilar" articles - or, for that matter, nothing at all.


  • A series of dots appears on a computer screen, most of which are moving in random directions.


  • In most situations, this cognitive wiring helps us: it enables us to pick important information out of a background of random noise.


  • Eventually you will see that most thoughts are random and not really worth your time.


  • Indeed, most computer desktops, are also cluttered with random files that were just saved on the desktop without any regard for organization.


  • Most web applications want rapid random access to many pieces of indexed data.


  • On the other hand, Shorty can give you random URLs (similar to what most third-party apps do by default), while z.ips.me forces you to decide on your own URLs.

    但是另一方面,shorty可以提供随机网址(这点跟大多数第三方应用程序默认做法很相似),而z . i ps . me则需要你选定自己的网址。

  • Note that the graph assumes that you, like most people, eat a random number of calories per day.


  • If there is a mismatch in the character set, it will most likely result in a display of random sequences of unreadable characters.


  • Most interventions, including random policies, by their very nature would hurt rather than help, in large part by adding to the uncertainty and risk that are already prominent during this contraction.


  • Most variation in the human genome is neutral, meaning that it arose not by natural selection but by processes like harmless mutations and the random shuffling of the genome between generations.


  • The most common RPG method for performing a random read using a key is the CHAIN operation.


  • A large random sample provides reliable results in most cases.


  • I used different Settings for the different grass tufts, but for the most part, I used Uniform as my distribution method and enabled the Random Transform feature.


  • Most people know that the outcome of a coin toss is random.


  • However, many other types of memory are RAM as well (ie, Random Access memory), including most types of ROM and a kind of flash memory called NOR-Flash.


  • I made a ton of random things when I was at Harvard and most of them no one ever saw.


  • The gradient of g in yellow. And you see, in most of these places, somehow the two gradients are not really parallel. Actually, I should not be looking at random points.


  • Due to the absence of evaluation theory, most of the security evaluation is informal, random, and low efficient in practice.


  • It is unlike most other offices, with free Odwalla juice, random toys, a pool table, a courtyard lined with scooters and bikes, and an on-site masseuse.
