Surprisingly few extinctions of indigenous species can be attributed to competition from introduced species.
But these plans must be made sensitively, as the indigenous communities living in pig-nosed turtle habitat often rely on protein from the reptile to survive.
It would have a certain koine to it; that is, a Greek overlay, over what may be also be there, the original indigenous kind of cultures and languages.
A logical Indian response to this latest demand would be to tell the Russians that they can keep their hulk and either find a new supplier or accelerate the Indian indigenous aircraft carrier program.
Many studies have shown foreign-owned factories in Britain to be more productive than indigenous enterprises.
In particular, they should be forced to accelerate her visionary campaign to replant indigenous trees along river Banks and ravines where the continent's life-giving top soil is being swept away.
Only products "from hunts traditionally conducted by Inuit and other indigenous communities to ensure their subsistence" would be permitted under the ban, according to a statement.
If the launch is successful, South Korea will be the 10th country in the world to launch a satellite from its soil using indigenous technology.
Moreover, the indigenous peoples must be able to use the computer in a native tongue.
Respect for indigenous peoples' rights seems to be a missing element, " says the report.
Optimizing as the policy is to indigenous America, it may not be so, on a global account, and may probably engender some side effect.
Indigenous communities ask one thing of mental health workers, he said: "Listen. Allow us to be separate but different."
Although gestures are used to communicate in some indigenous Australia societies, there appear to be no gestures for Numbers.
The DNA of older indigenous populations may be essential to understanding human history, many geneticists believe.
There is an issue with indigenous peoples that needs to be addressed, especially in terms of benefit-sharing.
Although this region was to be protected for the exclusive use of indigenous peoples, large Numbers of Euro-American land speculators and settlers soon entered.
The new waterway will be flanked by sand dunes and indigenous planting to create a green corridor in the city's downtown area.
My husband and I along with some friends established the in 1993, because we felt that some aspects of indigenous culture needed to be accumulated and systematized.
Hitchcock was a firm believer that if a director had a distinctive setting - it should be dramatized and become indigenous to the whole picture - not just remain in the background.
Their solution to indigenous agrarian problems consisted of an intensification of production that was to be financed by the sale of land.
The relation between national subjectivity and indigenous identity is to be earnestly dealt with.
It helps to reveal the law for nationalizing modern drama so as to open up wide avenue for indigenous dramas and make the modern drama what it should be.