Convertible securities, which were bashed in 2008 in part from forced selling by leveraged hedge funds, offer a nice combination of yield and equity kickers.
What the technique does offer, though, is a combination of ideas that are intuitively correct from the point of view of the test teams, but which still represent a radical shift of emphasis for many.
The Database Wizard doesn't offer exactly this combination of tables.
But Inouye conceived a business model that had the advantages of made-to-order manufacturing in combination with retail distribution, allowing the company to offer a quality product at a lower cost.
Just keep in mind that JBoss Portal 2.7 is the ultimate combination of everything we have to offer and versions 2.6.x are the supported stable releases that only support JSR-168 (portlet 1.0).
只要记住JBoss Portal 2.7包含了我们需要的一切内容,而2.6 . x版本是支持JSR - 168 (portlet 1.0)的稳定版本即可。
We offer a new type office building in beautiful surroundings, with complete facilities and combination of shops, residences and services. The first choice of powerful companies.
The goal of combination accounting is to offer useful information about managing and decision to users (maybe now or potential).
Classics feature positive fit characteristics, with "combination" lasts that offer room in the forefoot while keeping the heel snug.
It may offer mountain scenery, the combination of sun and sea, or features that are entirely manmade, like Disneyland in California.
The drift about the evaluation conclusion of single method is studied inorder to offer the experiment basis for combination evaluation.
Our vision is to create and deliver products that offer an exceptional combination of comfort, quality and unsurpassed value.
The firm will offer a combination of strategic online consulting, website development, online marketing and interactive interface design for mobile and touch-screen devices.
Conclusion the combination of ct and quantitative ct can accomplish the unity of morphology and function, thus offer more diagnostic clues and make the diagnosis perfect.
These theoretical results offer a good reference value for design combination wave-plate depolarization.
While there is nothing whatsoever wrong with combination chemotherapy, my bias in recent years has been to offer patients sequential single-agent therapy.
We offer free newspaper, safe, coffee pot and multi-line phone. Besides, we have shower tub combination, bathrobe, toiletries and hairdryer in …
While a lot of clustering algorithms for data streams have been proposed, they offer no solution to the combination of these requirements.
These elastomers offer a combination of properties rarely seen in an engineering thermoplastic.
Their combination can further improve the prediction ability and offer more sufficient information.
Special high-grade, robust combination lock for Notebooks and desktop PC′s with a security slot. The extremely solid encryption mechanism and the rugged steel cable offer maximum security.
These materials are used in a variety of markets and offer an exceptional combination of properties to help processors and end users reach new levels of cost savings, quality, and performance.
Some places offer Sunday "brunch", which is a combination breakfast and lunch, served at about 11:30 or noon, for late Sunday sleepers.
Offer new fruits and vegetables in combination with old favorites to show your child a variety of smells, textures, and colors.