They don't like convicting celebrities out there.
We must make a clear distinction between this crime and the similar for convicting it.
When they heard this very powerful and convicting speech they literally boiled with rage.
It consists of actually claiming the promised power to make our words convicting and fruitful.
Quantitative factors become the important criterion for removing and convicting crime in legislation.
This type of reasoning is similar to convicting a person of something before they have even committed a crime.
In the law, God declares the just and convicting truth that all people have failed to keep His law and have sinned.
Educated-class anxiety can often be characterized as a feeling overabundant of options without a core of convicting purpose.
As a mechanism before the sentencing, personality investigation provides referenced material for accurately sentencing and convicting.
And those two things together can lead to a lot of mistakes: potentially convicting people of crimes that they weren't really guilty of.
When you get an idea and you are wondering if it is from God, the sixth question to ask yourself is, "is it convicting or is it condemning?"
Judge Viktor Danilkin on Thursday sentenced Khodorkovsky after convicting him of stealing from his own oil company, Yukos, and laundering the proceeds.
When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven, there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives and hurt my very soul.
Stopping and convicting people who distribute the drugs is a good way to help stop the spread of the substances, but more money needs to go to preventing it.
This paper is a brief discussion of the dialectical relationship between the two and, on the other hand, an elucidation of some factors in convicting an offender.
Criminal law about convicting and sentencing the act of tax evasion provides double standards, namely the amount of tax evaded and the percent of total taxes payable.
From the moment Joanna Yeates's body was found, detectives emphasised how important scientific work would be in establishing how she had died and convicting her murderer.
从Joanna Yeates的尸体被发现的那一刻起,侦探们就强调科学在确定她死亡的方式以及找到杀死她的凶手上起到多么重要的作用。
But by convicting two more junior officials, each given three-year jail terms, the judge made quite clear that he believed Italian agents had provided operational backup.
I'm convicting that the tremendous value of the project will carry out one day. At that time, local environmental, social and economic condition will advance and improve by a long way.