The third resembles one of the most rampant allergens of them all, a ragweed protein that causes hay fever.
Their finding, perhaps not surprisingly, is that the places where infections are most rampant are those with the largest populations and the worst disease-control measures.
Unemployment is now rampant in most of Europe.
《牛津词典》Deception is rampant—and sometimes we tell the biggest lies to those we love most.
现在撒谎欺骗成风,有时我们对最爱的人 撒 最大的谎。
In the early 1970s most of the rural population USES contaminated groundwater for drinking, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, and irrigation. Waterborne diseases are rampant.
Instead, a herd behavior allowed rampant speculation, which the report alleges, most likely contributed to last year's soaring food prices.
In the past, most Bollywood movies made a profit, but nowadays, with piracy running rampant in most of the country, some movies are bootlegged before they even hit the big screen.
In recent years, the rampant piracy in Somalia, the Gulf of Aden off Somalia as a whole has become the world's most dangerous waters.
Strangely enough, in most cases, family members remain unaware of the 31 inchoate emotional forces running 32 rampant in adolescent minds.
The original flood are most afraid of million people united as one man, as long as we unite, flood never rampant.