The midterm is worth 30% of the course grade.
The term paper counts as 40% of the course grade.
The project counts toward 50% of the course grade.
The course grade will be based on class performance, and on tests.
The course grade will be based on participation in class and lab reports.
Transcript is in profile page: you can query each year elective course grade.
More than three unexcused absences will result in your course grade being lowered;
缺席超过三次将被扣分,超过五次将导致成绩不及格 。
Attendance at class and participation is essential and constitutes 20% of course grade.
There will be one midterm and one final exam, each counting for a quarter of the course grade.
The course grade will be based on six problem sets (20%), a short paper (15%), a midterm exam (25%) and a three-hour final exam (40%).
The course grade will be based on three non-cumulative exams (85% of the final grade) and approximately nine problem sets (15% of the final grade).
Two class sessions will be devoted to a discussion of these papers. This paper will count for 25% of the course grade and is due the last day of class.
Lab projects will be done in small teams. A commitment to consistent attendance is expected from all. The course grade is based on lab reports and participation.
With just two weeks to go until the course was over, the professor issued the last 15 assignment, which would 16 account for a 17 hefty 50 percent of the overall course grade.
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable.
《牛津词典》Another, related force a policy often buried deep in course catalogs called "grade forgiveness" is helping raise GPAs.
But another, related force—a policy often buried deep in course catalogs called "grade forgiveness"—is helping raise GPAs.
At other schools I've taught at there's been information along the lines of well the typical grade in an introductory course in the humanities is such and such.
I, of course, am delighted to see that, and will always raise the grade of a student who can put up a good fight, even if he is wrong.
I was carrying a 4.0 14 grade point average in my master's program, and expected to earn an a in this course, too.
Most boys choose to take the mandatory course in Grade 9.
Of course, it might be that, at each grade, men do more work than women, to make themselves more eligible for promotion. But that explanation, too, seems to be wrong.
Many children who are failed by the academic status quo are forced to repeat a grade even though research shows that this is just about the worst course of action for them.
Of course, if you can get a higher grade without studying at all, why bother studying very hard?
Then, of course, in the ninth grade is when you started working for credits to graduate, and we never stayed in one place long enough to get any credits.
The trip left me with a very deep impression. Starting from next year, our school will open the course of Chinese mandarin at grade 6, but I'm about to graduate.
The application of fuzzy math to the evaluation of course design grade of microcomputer system is studied and a scientific and reasonable method of evaluating course design grade is established.
In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course.
The course is required for his degree, but the information seems useless. He is only interested in grade.