Liu set a good example for them to take control of lives through education.
It is still useful today to guide people's lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies and even healthy living tips.
Solar term culture is still useful today to guide people's lives through cultural activities and special foods that go with each term.
World Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books and shared reading, and bring books to the children who need them most.
They were part of a cultural exchange program aiming to influence lives through music.
What is the difference between ascension and swapping parallel lives through intention?
Technology can be applied to save lives through healing or replacement of vital organs.
The presentation of China's art has always been the same aura which lives through time.
He is. looking for lives through whom He can demonstrate His power, His love and His grace.
object3 is bound to the application scope and lives through the entire lifetime of the application.
object3 在应用程序范围内存在,因此在应用程序的整个生命周期内都存活。
With appropriate action, we can protect these precious lives through one of the most "natural" of all life-saving interventions.
He said that with jazz people can express their lives through music. And that the music helps people to stand up a little straighter.
I have helped over 700,000 people improve their lives through my books, beach retreats, running schools and individual consultations.
They point out that testing to uncover silent aneurysms can lead to a saving of lives through preemptive surgery to prevent rupture.
Only those who are ambitious and shoulder loads of responsibilities can walk through the "Ghost Valley" of their lives through rains and storms.
I go to visit their blogs, and it is interesting to 'see' their life for the past few years, as if reliving their lives through reading their blogs.
It would appear that we're trying, thanks primarily to ongoing efforts to enable women to take control of their own lives through education and other methods.
These butterflies can fly freely in broad daylight; While the edible ones have to hurry in terror for their lives through the very dark parts of the forest.
It provides an annual opportunity to celebrate radio and how it shapes our lives through information, entertainment and public participation on the airwaves.
He speaks of God and gratitude, demonstrating that if we look at our lives through the right lens, we see blessings everywhere, and they outnumber obstacles.
Its core issue is the question about why people can surmount the individual life limits and how to achieve the eternal lives through inner alchemic exercise.
Saving lives has always been an important mission of science. Now science, and indeed all society, is facing a new dilemma: whether save more lives through human cloning.