1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-23 17:58:58


  • The type encodings have been removed.


  • The Single Most Important Fact About Encodings


  • More serious problems can arise from the use of encodings.


  • Serialization should be reviewed, especially supported encodings.


  • These encodings failed the WS-I tests with the following error message.

    这些编码使WS - i测试失败后得到以下错误信息。

  • Internationalization has had another impact on programs: character encodings.


  • SOAP Section 5 encoding is only one of the encodings that are commonly in use.

    SOAP Section 5编码只是经常被使用的编码之一。

  • To clear up this confusion, I will extract the essence of the concept of encodings.


  • The other significant XMLBuddy feature is support for different character encodings.

    另一个重要的 XMLBuddy 功能是支持不同的字符编码。

  • The command locale -m provides a list with the names of all installed character encodings.

    命令locale - m提供一张已安装的所有字符编码名称的列表。

  • Recommendation for the desperate web hacker: Only use Unicode encodings for XHTML5 documents.


  • Even documents that use the default UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings should have such a declaration.

    即使采用默认utf - 8和utf - 16编码的文档也应该有这样的声明。

  • Acceptable names for encodings compatible with W3C specification contain Latin characters only.


  • For the three different encodings, arrays are represented in the WSDL by the code in listing 16.


  • It also provides for using HEX and BASE64 encodings to represent the binary hash values as text.


  • Instead of favoring one encoding, Ruby 1.9 makes it possible to work with data in over 80 encodings.

    它不仅仅局限于选择一种编码,Ruby 1.9能够同时处理超过80种编码的数据。

  • Unicode encodings and algorithms are used for internal and external communications in the AIX system.


  • Developers often overlook the fact that encodings do not limit the set of characters that XML supports.

    开发人员常常忽视了一个问题,编码没有限制 XML 支持的字符集。

  • UCS is the multibyte (31-bit) superset of all known set encodings defined by the ISO 10646 standard.

    UCS是ISO 10646标准定义的所有已知字符集编码的多字节(31位)超集。

  • In theory, you can use other encodings than UTF-8, but UTF-8 creates less trouble than other systems.

    理论上,可以使用除utf - 8外的其他编码,但比起其他系统,使用UTF - 8麻烦要少得多。

  • Part 1 looked at common misunderstandings with the XML standard itself (such as encodings and namespaces).


  • These services can be exposed with WSDL and integrated through standard Web service protocols and encodings.


  • This is necessary because in UTF-8, it is often possible to represent the same character with multiple encodings.

    这是必要的,因为在utf - 8中,常常可能用多个编码来代表同一个字符。

  • This error is due to message elements containing non-unique parts. This error affects the following encodings

    出现此错误是因为 message 元素包含了不惟一的部分。

  • It implements most of the PDF 1.4 spec but is missing transparency, fill-in forms, and certain font-encodings.

    它实现了绝大多数的PD f 1.4规范,但是少了透明度(transparency),填充表单(fill - in forms)和某些特定的字体编码。

  • The actual encoding of the message itself (enveloping) is usually SOAP, but other encodings can be supported as well.


  • Listing 1 demonstrates this technique with a simple program to print the encodings of all URLs given on the command line.


  • ASCII character encodings use the same hexadecimal 8-bit encoding as the first 256 UTF-8-encoded Unicode characters.

    ASCII字符使用与utf - 8编码的Unicode字符前256个字符相同的十六进制8位编码。