Meet the definition of basic.
Now let's look at the factors that determine the default mediation flow behaviour and how you can change the mediation flow definition to meet your mediation module requirements.
You should determine why the product's license doesn't meet this definition and decide if that reason is important to you.
Traditional birth attendants, who are not formally trained, do not meet the definition of skilled birth attendants. (4, 5).
Second, I wanted to keep the definition file simple and flexible to meet the changing needs of Web service consumers.
Two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth meet the technical definition of a recession.
Working with the tool vendor (s), the EPMO facilitates the definition of organizational needs and requirements, and configures the tool components to meet those requirements.
With the deadline to finish the joint definition phase early next year, the programme's suppliers are pulling out all the stops to meet the date.
Risky stocks need to have dropped by more than less-risky shares to meet my definition of cheap.
Off-campus jobs must meet the definition of 'practical training', which means the employment must be directly related to the student's course of study.
Americans always call people they meet friends, so the definition of friends is general and different.
That's because it doesn't meet a new definition for planets.
While objects in nature is difficult to meet the strict symmetry, so it is not enough to detect the precision relying on mathematical definition to symmetry.
Therefore, the problem definition is that there is a need to expand and increase customer base to drive sales which would result in increases in revenues to meet corporate objective.
The relevant problems we meet in Internet circumstances are mainly as follows: settlement of its scope, temporary reproduction, definition of infringement and proper restriction to it.
Almost by definition procrastination is a failure to meet goals.
Only about 1 in 10 meet the definition of a basic electronic health record.