Storage area maximum size filter.
The maximum size of the expression is 64k.
The maximum size of a write to a log extent
You can design a cache to have a maximum size.
The default maximum size of the cache is 1 MB.
默认的最大容量是 1 MB。
The heap can grow up to the maximum size at runtime.
The maximum size of a software package block is 2 GB.
软件包最大是2 GB。
Creating a TMPFS filesystem with a maximum size is easy.
The maximum size supported for both queue buffers is 100mb.
两种队列缓冲区支持的最大的大小都是100 MB。
It receives a file name, a maximum size, and a backup index.
This restricts the size of each synonym to this maximum size.
Xmnx sets the maximum size of the nursery to the specified value.
Use the -M command line option to set the maximum size of the cache.
使用 -M 命令行选项来设置高速缓存的最大大小。
The maximum size of the message itself is a WebSphere MQ configuration parameter.
消息本身的最大大小是一个WebSphere MQ配置参数。
For example, DB2 UDB LUW allows a maximum size of 512 GB for a table per partition.
比如,DB 2 UDB LUW在每个分区上允许表最大为512 GB。
As long as you have the disk space you are recommended to allocate the maximum size.
Along with the inline keyword, you supply the maximum size of the XML to be inlined.
The maximum size is determined by various configuration parameters shown in Table 3.
This is the maximum size that can be safely handled by the mode of transport selected.
The "Trace size" refers to the maximum size of variable length data to be stored.
“Trace Size”是指存储的长度可变的数据的最大值。
Heap tuning involves two parameters: the initial size of the heap and its maximum size.
We use the "maximum" configuration option to indicate the maximum size of the subject name.
The local policy defines how long an item may live and the maximum size of a cache directory.
However, it also makes the maximum size of the data pool dependent on the amount of available RAM.
Memory allocation failure happens when the heap has reached maximum size and cannot allocate more memory.
In a 64-bit environment the maximum size is now 500mb, while 32-bit UNIX systems can handle 100mb objects.
在64位环境中,支持的最大业务对象大小为500 MB,而32位UNIX系统能够处理100 MB对象。
This is the maximum size; a practical size is based on the environment in which the mail file resides.
They have the ability to send characteristics of the growth increment, maximum size, initial size, and so on.
The SHMMAX specifies the maximum size in bytes of a shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system.
SHMMAX 按字节指定系统上可以分配的最大共享内存段。