This is our POV on both talents.
Several clips are POV, and 8 are in color.
POV FROM ABOVE — looking down through leaves we watch jake.
An example of parameterized invocation is renderfarm from POV-Ray.
POV-Ray 的渲染工厂(renderfarm)是参数化调用的一个示例。
As a test, we chose the POV-Ray 3.6.1 precompiled binary from Povray's Web site.
作为测试,我们选择了来自Povray的Web站点的POV - ray 3.6.1预编译二进制程序。
Furthermore, the treatment method with ultrasonic did not affect the POV of oil.
We tested the same POV-Ray binary on VMWare version 4.5.2 using the same distribution.
我们使用相同的发行版本在VMWare版本4.5.2上测试相同的POV - Ray二进制程序。
Extracts were added to lard and peanut oil to determine the POV values in different conditions.
To set the % 1 position for your % 2 point of view (POV) hat, move the POV hat to the % 3 position, and then press ENTER.
要设置% 2 瞄准镜头盔的% 1 位置,请向% 3 位置移动瞄准镜头盔,然后按下回车键。
The research results show that the POV and structure arrangement of optical system determine the selected range of prism.
This film from a POV of a students who comes out of that village, presents a real state of Shadow-Play in the tradition arts.
It was found that the exacts of forsythia can depress POV and Acid Value, and they have the activity of oxidation resistance.
Chronology: This is a POV based on a particular event in 'Time of the Twins', but you won't need to know the spoiler to read it.
These custom elements, in this case designed to reflect the building art deco heritage, are what help make POV projects original gems.
By broking the wall of powdered oils with ultrasonic, the oil extraction efficiency yield was 65%, which met the need of determining POV.
Results: the POV of the instant noodles near guarantee period from the supermarket was obviously higher than that from the wholesale market.
A new method was built to determine the POV of powdered oils by broking the wall with ultrasonic and then extracting the oil to determine the POV.
POV-Ray is one of the grandfather's of realistic 3d graphics creation software, full of those massive numbers-crunching tasks and perfect for our test.
POV - Ray是逼真3d图形创建软件的始祖之一,它完全由那些进行大量数字处理的任务构成,非常适合我们的测试。
I have been noticing you make many many edits every day, mostly correcting spelling, but also reverting POV, checking links, or improving articles otherwise.
The oxidative stability of fish oil in different systems was studied by using peroxide value (POV), conjugated diene hydroperoxide content and fatty acids content as indexes.
During the processing of JinHua ham, AV value kept rising, POV value carbonyl value and TBA value was up and down, but rising totally, the degree of lipid oxidation increased continuously.
The ones that are using Windows based OS are generally fairly big and heavy and expensive, have very weak battery life, require keyboard or stylus, and from our POV, customers not interested in them.
In the same preservation time, the POV of the Fried food kept in the room temperature, exposed to light and oxygen was obviously higher than that kept in the refrigerator free of the light and oxygen.