Aww, my dog is wagging his tail.
Mom, look! Aww!
Aww I think it's romantic. Love makes people do crazy things.
"Aww, ain't that cute?" one of the old soldiers watching said.
Get ready to aww, shriek and gasp. It's so easy to get involved in animals' stories.
Aww, don't stop for directions, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get there.
Here is a collection of the best and most popular recipes from the AWW cookbook range.
At the end of his routine, he held his last pose an extra few seconds to get the appropriate amount of applause and ooh-ing and aww-ing.
My family has adjusted to my out-of-phase sleeping habits fairly well. My wife pokes fun at me for napping during the day: "Aww... baby Sheevy needs his wittle nap."
Today, while at a hotel for vacation with my brother and his wife, I was watching their two-month old daughter in the waterpark when a woman came up to me and said, "Aww your kid is so adorable!
今天我跟我的哥哥嫂嫂在一家宾馆里度假。 我正领着他们俩月大的孩子在水上乐园玩的时候,一个大妈走过来跟我说,“哇哦,你的孩子好可爱哦。