Every day as comes round his face looks different.
A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.
《新英汉大辞典》Easter soon comes round again.
I am always glad when payday comes round.
I am always glad when pay day comes round.
I think we should wait until she comes round.
Anything you lose comes round in another form.
The janitor comes round to turn the lights out.
Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
Late duty for each member of the staff comes round every ten days.
I wouldn't recommend it. I think we should wait until she comes round.
Here the electrician comes round to collect the electricity fee every other month.
Rita Donagh gets up from her seat and comes round to look at the image over my shoulder.
He has passed out a couple of times at school although fortunately he comes round quickly.
The green of the emerald is the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again.
And when the quarter comes round, I can get a holiday of course; and then see if we don't take little Jacob to the play.
Spring comes round to the earth again and everything looks fresh and gay. ; With the coming of spring, everything is fresh again.
这一时间更为合理,因为春天是万物复苏、 万象更新的时节。
One evening he comes round, at my request as ever, to help me build my bed, which has finally arrived in two flatpacks of byzantine complexity.
一天晚上,他过来我家,跟以往一样,是应我的邀请而来的,是来帮我安装我的床的。 我买的这张床终于送来了,是两个很复杂的大箱。
Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.
We work hard for the old people all the time, but Mrs Harrington - Jones only comes round once a year at Christmas to play the lady bountiful.
The likely approval on dividends comes as the Federal Reserve completes a second round of stress tests for the nation’s 19 largest banks.
The Rockets have taken a 1-0 lead on the Blazers in the 1st round but the Mac has had season ending surgery and will enjoy his first series victory halfheartedly if it comes.
第一轮火箭已经以1 - 0领先开拓者,不过,T - MAC的赛季已经结束了。而且,有可能的话还能enjoy他的第一个系列赛的胜利。
More importantly, having money coming in the door puts you in a much more powerful position when it comes to your next round of funding or acquisition talks.
The selloff comes just ahead of the release of the results of the latest round of European bank stress tests.
In waves, in clouds, in big round whirls the dust comes stinging, and with it little bits of straw and chaff and manure.
He wants someday to be able to rifle through mail as quickly as his wife and "round file" the piles of junk mail that comes across his desk.