Long sticks pith underdevelopment.
The "underdevelopment" of a state of mind of Latin Americans I...
Africa must develop its vast resources to tackle poverty and underdevelopment.
In fact, the key is the underdevelopment of market and it pricks up the interior flaw of market.
Underdevelopment is chocking: the squalor, disease, unnecessary deaths, and hopelessness of it all!
This Pacific Rim civilization being created is a new relationship between development and underdevelopment.
The financial restraint is the most prominent financial characteristic in poverty and underdevelopment regions.
But it says countries with high levels of poverty and underdevelopment will be the least prepared to deal with them.
So, in theory, its underdevelopment may explain why young people seem more willing to take risks like driving too fast.
He says more than two million children die from underdevelopment, either before or after birth, or from severe wasting.
The product is indicated for the treatment of children acalcerosis, such as skeleton underdevelopment, retarded dentition etc.
The industrial structure of Yanbian has the characteristics of small scale, low added value, and in the state of underdevelopment.
Middle East has declined since modern era and still now in status of underdevelopment, however it had possessed of refulgent history.
At present, underdevelopment of credit system and prevalence of dishonest operation have seriously hindered national economic development.
The baby in 1-2 months, and neck muscles underdevelopment, neck muscle weakness, should prevent this incorrect arms posture of baby spinal injuries.
宝宝在1 - 2个月时,颈肌还没有完全发育,颈部肌肉无力,应防止这种不正确的怀抱姿势对宝宝脊椎的损伤。
The public health service system on the social concept, for many rural population, economic underdevelopment in our province, more important significance.
The underdevelopment of building management case base is an important factor that hampers the development of case teaching in China's management education.
But, a set of accurate, stable, simple and systematic method and index system for drought-resistance identification and selection is still underdevelopment.
At that time, the People's Republic had just been founded, and the national economic base was weak, with a general pattern of underdevelopment in all sectors.
Hundreds of millions have been lifted from the infernal cycle of poverty and underdevelopment, and today China can look to her future with confidence and pride.
Echoing the discussion in Chapter III, one noticeable feature is the relative underdevelopment of corporate bond markets, including securities of long duration.
Totally, the fund expense rate and the risk have a distinctly positive correlation, this show the weak supervision system and the underdevelopment of the fund managers market.
Conclusion: high fluoride and low nourishment would cause underdevelopment of tooth matrix firstly, then affect the calcification of matrix, finally deteriorate the quality of teeth.