Escalations are like timers in a business state machine.
Escalations can be filtered using the menu and column headers.
This variable is available for all tasks that have escalations.
This variable is available for all task kinds with escalations.
Lock - Number of locks held, deadlocks and lock waits escalations.
Custom properties are available for all task kinds with escalations.
This gives you more control in determining when escalations can be used.
After an owner claims the approval task, a chain of escalations becomes active.
In this example, DB2 performed 1150 lock escalations within an hour time period.
在这个示例中,DB 2在一小时中增加了1150个锁。
In the following sections we will explore escalations in the application you will build.
The authorization rules for escalations are aggregated directly by the TEscalation class.
Answer and handle customer inquiries, grievances and 1st level escalations from customers.
These authorization role classes are available to model authorization rules for escalations.
Handle customer feedback, escalations and providing appropriate solutions and recommendations.
In Figure 7, DB2 has detected a large number of lock escalations per hour for the SAMPLE database.
在图7中,DB 2探测到SAMPLE数据库每小时的锁数量大量增加。
The lock escalations, lock timeouts and deadlocks will indicate some potential problems in your system or application.
It has many features, including escalations and repeated notifications and support of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
它有许多特性,包括扩展和重复的通知以及对Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)的支持。
The human task specification report includes information, such as primary owners and details of any escalations you have defined.
Members of each task role are readers for every sub - and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.
A task administrator is administrator for every sub - and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.
For example, a staff activity did not allow escalations (an automatic reassigning of a task that has not been claimed or completed).
Retry policies can attempt to connector to the resource repeatedly over a time period, trigger escalations and fire off notifications.
You can add escalations to the subtask state to ensure that this portion of the task is completed so that the overall task can proceed.
If lock escalations are causing performance concerns you may need to increase the value of LOCKLIST parameter or the MAXLOCKS parameter.
Staff resolution is also used to resolve e-mail addresses when the Human Task Manager e-mail service is sending notices for escalations.
当 Human Task Manager 电子邮件服务发送升级通知时,人员解析还用来解析电子邮件地址。
Assist customers in contacting relevant agencies within the company and performing escalations to meet customers' expectations and service levels.
You can specify a series of escalations where each one is triggered as soon as a duration expires and while the task remains in the particular state.
In the escalations List widget, you can view or start any escalations you are authorized to access, as well as check any escalations assigned to you.
在Escalations List部件中,可以查看或启动您有权访问的任何调升(escalation),还可以检查分配给您的任何调升。
When a business calendar is used, timers used for functions such as escalations and notifications only run during The Times specified as business hours.