This price is not yet complete, however, because the total invoice depends on where the products are produced and the amount of the shipping cost.
The general offer for the ex factory price excluding tax invoice, please indicate freight cargo station is subject to.
The price on the invoice is different from that on the price list.
An invoice has clear and detail breakdown of overall cost that includes price of product, shipping charges and applicable sales tax.
账单内容能够清楚并详细显示费用之分类, 如产品之价格, 运费和相关税项。
Loco invoice is one in which the price charged includes only the cost of goods at the warehouse of the seller. Other expenses are paid by the buyer.
The invoice management module described by this paper consists of five use cases, including registering product, deleting product, updating product, appending price record, generating bill.
By C. I. F. invoice the price charged includes all the expenses of an F. O. B. invoice plus freight and marine insurance.