Myself and Anna were knocking back vodkas like there was no tomorrow.
Some nine vodkas later, Yuri was in fine form and had found a drinking partner in my husband!
Its unforgettable taste and delicate aroma of Polish grains set a new standard among luxury vodkas.
Annual market growth in value is seen at 15 percent, he said, thanks to rising incomes and higher sales of premium vodkas like "Ladies."
Citrus rinds are excellent for every dish from cranberry sauce to Christmas cookies, not to mention excellent for infusing vinegars and vodkas.
Explore the purity of New Zealand vodka made from 26000 year old water. An expansive 3d experience that will immerse you in the finest of vodkas.
In reality, absolutely pure alcohol and water are impossible to manufacture, so vodkas do taste slightly different from one another, but really, isn't "nothing," kind of boring as an ideal?
Because according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, different vodkas can have different molecular "structures, " which could drive drinkers to favor one brand over another.