1 词典释义:
incandescent bulb
时间: 2024-11-20 12:44:17
英 [ɪnkanˈdɛs(ə)nt bʌlb]
美 [ˌɪnkənˈdɛs(ə)nt bəlb]


  • It cost far more than a regular incandescent bulb.


  • This is an incandescent bulb, whose light travels in all directions.


  • CFL Light Bulbs use about 25% less energy than an incandescent bulb.


  • One held an incandescent bulb, another a CFL. The third was for Sharenow's LED.


  • It doesn't affect the lamp life of an incandescent bulb very much, says Rubinstein.


  • Some people prefer the warmer glow of an incandescent bulb to the light produced by CFLs.


  • The light from the sun is incoherent light, so is the light from an incandescent bulb.


  • Penguin: it looks like a small incandescent bulb designed to indicate something out of the ordinary.


  • Light bulb (any standard incandescent bulb with a regular size base will do.. no fluorescent or halogen bulbs).


  • Adjustable fitting; can be used both with lamp bases and with ceiling cord sets and big or small incandescent bulb.


  • GE has promised to make a high-efficiency incandescent bulb, but hasn't disclosed details on where it will be made.


  • Incandescent bulb headlights won't work because their light can't be modulated over different frequencies the way LED's can.


  • The relationship between the amount of light an incandescent bulb can produce and how long it will last is complicated, to say the least.


  • An incandescent bulb, made of a wire filament encased in glass, emits only 5% of the energy it consumes as light; the rest is wasted as heat.


  • Without changing light fittings, the cheapest direct replacement for an incandescent bulb at the moment is a compact fluorescent light (CFL).

    不用换灯口, 目前白炽灯泡的最廉价直接替代品是荧光灯(CFL).

  • For lights that turn on and off frequently, or are only on for a few minutes a day (like a light in a closet), an incandescent bulb will suffice.


  • Compact florescent bulbs combine these components into the base of the bulb so they can be used almost anywhere an incandescent bulb will fit.


  • Those in the field may disagree about the prospects of OLEDs, but they do seem to agree on one thing: the days of the incandescent bulb are numbered.


  • Behind one hides a standard incandescent bulb, the familiar lighting technology that has gone largely unchanged since Thomas Edison invented it 132 years ago.


  • He figured he and the 40 researchers at his Menlo Park, New Jersey, development lab could come up with a good incandescent bulb in three or four months in 1878.


  • The N200's light is only 13.5 lumens on the high setting (a 60-watt incandescent bulb is 850 lumens). That's very dim, but it's comparable to a kerosene lamp.

    一盏N200灯光亮最高能达到13.5流明(一只普通的60 W白炽灯有850流明),虽然有点暗,但跟煤油灯比起来还是绰绰有余的。

  • Compared to an incandescent bulb, which might cost only about 50 cents and burn for 1, 000 hours, CFLs cost around $3—although they use up to 75% less power and last much longer.


  • An incandescent bulb can emit as much as 18 mg of mercury into the air over its lifespan; a CFL emits 9 mg (including the mercury both in the bulb and that emitted by power plants).


  • How it got here: No matter who you credit with inventing the original incandescent bulb (patents exist for Moleyns in 1841, Woodward and Evans in 1874, and Edison in 1879), it's had quite a run.

    它是如何问世的:无论你把发明白炽灯的功劳归功于谁(1841年专利归于Moleyns, 1874年又给了Woodward and Evans, 1879年则归于爱迪生),这都是一项意义重大的发明。

  • The incandescent light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison, which came to be the symbol of inspiration, has been developed into hundreds, if not thousands, of forms.


  • With over eight kilowatts of lighting capacity in his home, your correspondent decided three years ago to replace each incandescent light bulb, when it died, with a CFL equivalent.


  • Thomas Edison was not the sole inventor of the incandescent light bulb— nor was he the first.


  • The invention of the incandescent light bulb by Thomas A. Edison in 1879 created a demand for a cheap, readily available fuel with which to generate large amounts of electric power.
