Oedipa Maas in Crying of Lot 49 will sit upon a bluff overlooking San Narciso, and she'll look down at the pattern of light.
MaaS and billing and metering services.
He heard Joe Maas sing that one night.
Mrs Maas has enrolled her daughter in the Ballet class.
"Many people think they're hungry when they're actually sleepy," Maas says.
The river Maas meanders in the east - and forms the natural border with Dutch-Limburg.
Maas blames two hormones: leptin, which helps the brain sense when you're full, and ghrelin, which triggers hunger.
MaaS based on elapsed CPU time determines the actual usage of each request and is consolidated at the end of each month.
West, North brink of the North Sea, is located in the Rhine, Maas and Scheldt River Delta, 1075 kilometers long coastline.
Pharmaceutical companies must submit MAAs to the London-based EMA in order to market a newly developed medicinal product in the EU's 28 member states.
Maas, adding that bankers usually don't want to hear about how to get more sleep. Instead, they want tips for performing well on five or six hours' rest.
James Maas, author of "Power sleep", is also an advocate of sleeping on the job: "By napping for 15 to 20 minutes, you can regain creativity and problem-solving skills."
“睡眠的力量”的作者,James Maas博士也支持在工作间隙打一会儿盹,他说:“只要睡上15到20分钟,你会发现你的创造力和解决问题的能力又回来了。”