We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink.
《牛津词典》Most Conservative MPs appear happy with the government's reassurances.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Those reassurances, however, have been followed by yet more recalls.
Months passed and it felt like our relatives could offer no reassurances.
Despite repeated reassurances, the countries of eastern Europe are worried about security.
I will be raising this with the GTC and seek reassurances that adequate procedures are in place.
Gates and Buffett offered reassurances that they would not be pushing anyone to give away his fortune.
Little did I know that Murphy's Law was poised to pounce and prove my calming reassurances to be misguided.
It was painfully apparent that neither the Fed's moves nor Mr. Schwartz's reassurances were having their desired effect.
The latter said over the weekend that they had been given reassurances that Usmanov did not want to mount a bid for Arsenal.
They left the lecture with my objective assessment of the situation and reassurances that things will only improve with time.
The facility is not operational, and the Russians have offered 'nonspecific reassurances' that it poses no threat to the U. s.
But the air went out of his reassurances after Mr. Minikes interrupted him to complain that the firm was hemorrhaging cash and clients.
Despite the resignations, global buyers considering using Mr Ma's portal may need further reassurances as to what those ideals and principles are.
Sadly, Friends of the Earth South Africa believes nothing can be done to lessen the carbon footprint, despite the reassurances made by the various cities.
A decade of coverage has left readers and viewers more confused than enlightened, with news reports alternating between alarming claims and soothing reassurances.
In the aftermath of the quake, which killed 309 people, many citizens said that these reassurances were the reason they did not take precautionary measures, such as leaving their homes.
Mrs Clinton's visit, with its formal ceremonies and reassurances that Japan and America will remain as extremely close Allies, is at least a welcome distraction from more dismal matters.
Crude managed a recovery yesterday probably supported by cold weather expectations and a Russia - Ukraine gas dispute where a solution still looks far despite reassurances from both sides.