Sometimes, in life and business, it pays to draw a line in the sand and accept that you need to move on.
But the lodging industry must wake up, draw a line in the sand and figure out a way to put the beast back in the cage.
Brown said Iran was guilty of "serial deception" and it was time for the international community to draw a line in the sand.
But at some point, before too much code gets written, it is important to draw a line in the sand and create a requirements baseline.
But at some point, before too much code gets written, it is important to draw a line in the sand and create a requirements baseline.
You must draw a line in the sand and confess that you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, before you will be able to go forward.
In allowing Lehman to go bust when competitors balked at taking it on, Hank Paulson, the Treasury secretary, attempted to draw a line in the sand.
The Russian Central Bank's attempt to draw a line in the sand in the rouble's step-by-step devaluation merely provided a new level for speculators to target.
The Sun's return to your romantic sector on Friday sets the scene for next week's New Moon, which is destined to draw a major line in the sand.