1 词典释义:
advertising dollars
时间: 2024-12-28 20:14:17
英 [ˈadvətʌɪzɪŋ ˈdɔləz]
美 [ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ ˈdɔləz]


  • Its value is not measured in advertising dollars but in audience engagement.


  • At that time, the magazine industry was swelling with advertising dollars.


  • If we had to split it, we'd like to see more of our advertising dollars go to engagement.


  • So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.


  • So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.


  • Helen: So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.


  • Companies can often recoup advertising dollars even by selling a limited number of items, he says.

    Tim Hawthorne说,公司常常可以通过销售少量的产品即可收回广告成本。

  • Do not underestimate the power of advertising dollars as the root of much of Apple's negative press.


  • Google, the leading Internet search company, is the strongest competitor for those advertising dollars.


  • Their one hope is that there will be enough advertising dollars to go around for them to make some money eventually.


  • Though the two Numbers aren't directly comparable, analysts agree the disparity of ratios of user Numbers to advertising dollars is vast.


  • Kent also said advertising dollars are more powerful in this environment, and the company planned to keep spending to promote its brands.


  • It's hard to believe that The Times cannot reap enough advertising dollars from a highly trafficked site to maintain a completely free service.


  • The industry is closely watching their pitched struggle for Web surfers' time online, advertising dollars, and increasingly costly Silicon Valley talent.


  • Clearly, IBM's other divisions were sabotaging the software division's strategy, all for the short-term interest, in other words, Microsoft's advertising dollars.


  • Sree Sreenivasan, a new media professor at Columbia Journalism School in New York, said: "The problem is that advertising dollars from newspapers are being replaced by digital pennies."

    纽约哥伦比亚新闻学院的新媒体教授Sree Sreenivasan说:“问题是:报纸的广告过去以美元计,如今却以分币计。”

  • The accounting department began extending its historical records by recording the sales volume for each month along with the advertising dollars for both newspaper ads and TV spots.


  • As newspapers try to move their business online, they further reduce their minimal subscription revenue and, more importantly, face substantially more competition for advertising dollars.


  • I don't think that intelligent businessmen would spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believed the advertisements, do you?


  • With the launch of interactive advertising, "many of the dollars that went to the internet will come back to the TV," says David Kline.

    David Kline 表示,随着互动广告的推出,“许多原本流向互联网的资金将流回到电视上。”

  • With the launch of interactive advertising, "many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV," says David Kline of Cablevision.


  • The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales.


  • What would our world look like if we made millions of dollars every year through advertising?


  • I should know better than believe in this erroneous idea that is deeply woven into all of the billions of dollars of advertising messages swirling around us.


  • She spent thousands of dollars on advertising that did not work.


  • If they don't, their market share may drop like Adidas' has — even if they spend tens of millions of dollars on advertising.
