1 词典释义:
cnn news
时间: 2025-02-26 23:37:19


  • Time Warner is the parent owner of CNN News.


  • You read too much CNN news. Maybe you should balance that with CCTV news.


  • At a nearby coffee shop, the barista scans a QR code on CNN news assistant Shen Lu's phone.


  • You read too much CNN news. Maybe you should balance that with CCTV news. CNN gives a lopsided view of China.


  • Because, on CNN news, business cycle forecaster Lakshman Achuthan sees signs of the recession ending this summer.


  • And as Mr Erdogan himself acknowledged last week, in a recent interview with the CNN news channel, "we staged 24 such operations in the past and can we say we achieved anything?"


  • It broadcasts news bulletins from its center at CNN headquarters located in Atlanta.


  • That Marine, interviewed earlier this week by the news channel CNN and identified only as "Dan", said Wilfahrt had told him he wanted to be a soldier to protect someone with a family.


  • The alliance with CNN, for instance, meant they didn't have to compete against an established around-the-clock news channel.


  • It is another popular news channel of USA after CNN and FOX news.


  • How much time do you spend reading a daily paper (online or off), checking in on CNN or ESPN, or tuning in to NPR news in the car?

    每天你花多少时间来阅读报纸(在线或离线),登录CNN或ESPN网站,或者在车里收看N PR新闻?

  • RSS feed generators are popular among people who wish to glance at the headlines of news sites (for example, CNN) or to know about the latest updates in the sports world.


  • CNN has got the privilege of being the first news channel to broadcast 24 hour news.


  • CNN was to open people’s eyes to the news of the world.


  • I was even interviewed on CNN where the news anchor asked me, "Young lady, do you have no shame?"


  • Switch on Lou Dobbs' news programme on CNN and you hear about the hollowing-out of the American middle class.

    打开CNN的Lou Dobbs新闻节目,你会听到有关美国中产阶级正在被掏空的危言耸听。

  • He later remarked on the wall-to-wall coverage of the event on 24-hour news channels, writing: "CNN has basically become an mj-only version of MTV!"


  • You would feel amazed to know that more than 800,000 U.S. citizens credit CNN as their favorite news channel.


  • You would feel amazed to know that more than 800, 000 U.S. citizens credit CNN as their favorite news channel.


  • For help, I called news anchor Rick Sanchez, who hosts Rick's List on CNN from 3 to 5 p.m. E.t..

    为了寻求帮助,我打电话给新闻主播瑞克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez)。

  • Yet another example might take as input a Web site (such as a news site like CNN) and render the text in photos by matching tagged photos to words from the news.


  • Top of the list is @mashable, from the social-media news blog Mashable, followed by @cnnbrk, breaking news from the CNN network.
