And I was a big mirror in Shanghai, I'll make many people reconsiders oneself.
The third part reconsiders the opium abolition movement of the financial dilemma.
According to thermodynamic principle, this thesis reconsiders the equilibrium constant of ideal gas reaction.
Unless Mr Harper reconsiders his opposition to the idea, in the future it might be him who faces being screwed.
Germany has temporarily shut down seven of its nuclear power plants while it reconsiders its nuclear strategy.
Reconsiders this section of education history, educates regarding our country has importantly profits from the significance.
In the light of Gadamer's principle of "historical interpretation", this paper reconsiders phenomenon of misunderstanding in translation.
This report reconsiders the criteria for diagnosing diabetes and recommends screening criteria to make case finding easier for clinicians and patients.
Focusing on the study of this problem and the achievements in the history of philosophy, this paper reconsiders the essence of reference and tries to interpret it.
The article reconsiders the definition of the law of power from the stand of Foucault on power, and based on it, the author reviews two principal ways of power checking in the West.
This proposition reconsiders the stereotypical residential tower, in pursuit of a unique structuring of a new language, that the vertical organization of apartment living might allow.
Commissioned by branch technology, the brief called for a 600-800 square-foot single-family home that reconsiders traditional architectural aesthetics, ergonomics, construction, and building systems.
WATG总公司委派分公司,呼吁在一个600 - 800平方英尺的单户住宅设计中重新考虑传统的建筑美学、人体工程学、结构和建造体制等。