Walking down a hill I pass by a group of expats in a bar.
Some 90 per cent of the 1.77 million population are expats.
For some reason, ultimate clubs seem to be a global standard for expats.
Now, expats' representatives fear renunciations will become more common.
In 1996, nearly half of all expats left within three years; today, less than a third do.
There are lots of expats down here, almost all retired, and they are all feeling the pinch.
But their experience does not necessarily reflect the experience of many of Beijing's expats.
Some said the expats would likely find local colleagues to be more understanding than expected.
It's no surprise that some expats have taken a missionary zeal to helping others cast a ballot.
American expats have more time and incentive to get to know the soccer teams of their adopted home countries.
All that is clear, says KPMG, a tax consultancy, is that the law will squeeze both expats and their employers.
Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle for expats.
Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle. for expats.
And unlike many other expats, Americans must file a U.S. tax return, even if they pay taxes in their host country.
Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man's story and setting up a loose network to help him.
Expats living in Beijing were joining the record number of Chinese people who were making the great holiday getaway.
So please believe me: you have many friends in Germany and I am sure expats in China will donate too or help in other ways.
As soon as you get settled, make it a priority to get doctor and hospital recommendations from other expats or the U.S. embassy.
So many Chinese expats have returned in the past few years that Valley-slang has given them a special name, B2C (back to China).
在硅谷,对近年来海外华人大量回国的现象已经有了一个独特的称呼:B2C (Back to China,即回到中国)。
I took him to a party full of expats once, and he followed a blonde friend of mine around the room all evening, eyes full of devotion.
The smiling face of rootlessness are the 300,000 French expats who line their pockets in the City of London when the stock market booms.
At the same time, lending rates are low and the stock market has been on the rise, spurring confidence among the expats and locals alike.
The lowest-paid expats live in Australia and Belgium with the majority--63 percent and 61 percent respectively -- earning less than 100,000.
在澳大利亚和比利时工作生活的外国人薪水最低。 大部分受访者(分别占63%和61%)年薪不足十万美元。