1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-28 20:46:06

abbr. 先期情报(AdvancedInformationSheet)

  • Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been remarkably successful at staying healthy.

    自从引入测试以来,所有运动的 AIS 运动员在保持健康方面都非常成功。

  • The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres.

    AIS 雇佣了100多名体育科学家和医生,并与大学和研究中心的其他数十人合作。

  • "We can't waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don't help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance," says Peter Pricker chief of science at AIS.

    “我们不能把时间浪费在看那些空泛的科学问题上,这些问题无助于教练与运动员合作和提高成绩。” AIS 的科学主管彼得·皮纳说。

  • Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes.

    几年前,AIS 为耐力运动员推出了冷却剂内衬夹克。

  • This is the kind of accuracy that AIS scientists' research is bringing to a range of sports.


  • The same has happened to the "altitude tent", developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level.


  • To demonstrate how the system works, Bruce Mason at AIS shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers.

    为了演示这个系统如何运作,AIS 的布鲁斯·梅森展示了一个用于研究游泳者的 3D 分析工具的原型。

  • AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one—such as building muscle strength in golfers—to others, such as swimming and squash.

    AIS 系统的科学家研究许多运动项目,并将在其中一项运动中学到的技能——例如如何增强高尔夫球手的肌肉力量——运用到其他项目上,比如游泳和壁球。

  • Humans will always be the historical parents of AIs.


  • Why do these comrades make such an unsound appr ais al?


  • An adjacent 400 kV AIS substation will also be extended.


  • There really won't be much distinction between AIs and us.


  • AIs it still possible to get tickets for the Olympic events?


  • This paper studies at the data fusion of AIS and radar objects.


  • Secondly, the paper analyses the basic principle AIS and Bayes network.


  • I wonder if AIs pick their own names, or if some officer in Section Three does it.


  • The technique performance of the physics layer of AIS requests using the NRZI codes.


  • The AIS system mainly applies in avoiding collision and ship traffic management system.


  • The data of warehousing lists can be transferred freely between MIS and AIS by this method.


  • After all, the AIs will understand that it was through humanity that intelligence came to them.


  • In the practices, AACS can judge the existence of risk of collision by receiving AIS simulated signals.


  • Methods. A clinical diagram derived from a decision tree was developed to help clinicians classify AIS curves.


  • We expand and improve on the existing AIS architecture, and propose an adaptable software architecture for AIS.


  • By improving Ais hypothesis this paper brought in three-variable linear equation and put forth the hypothesis of .


  • Methods. The sample consisted of patients with AIS who underwent isolated posterior spinal fusion and instrumentation.


  • And AIs will move ever faster and ever more efficiently at resolving these questions, never quite having enough answers.


  • AIS system is composed with communication processing module, base band processing module, radio module and interface module.


  • This paper will have definite theoretical and actual values for improving the application of AIS in collision avoidance and VTS.


  • The Automatic identification System (AIS) will provide new means of ship dynamic surveillance and identification for ship traffic service.
