Run actual imputed cost calc.
Display plan imputed cost calc.
Maintain plan imputed cost calc.
Display actual imputed cost calc.
Maintain actual imputed cost calc.
Fixed: : Nails use auto weight calc.
Figure 2 shows a sample Calc document.
Now click the CALC icon in the menu bar, then click OK.
The last thing we have to do is invoke the method add on calc.
最后必须做的一件事,就是调用calc上的方法add 。
But when it comes to importing generic XML into OOo Calc, the user is on his own.
但要将通用的xml导入ooo Calc,用户就只能靠自己了。
Yinshan volcanic subvolcanic rocks belong to the high potassium calc alkali series.
All it knows is that if it calls add on calc it will get a response it can count on.
The keyword can be a literal, such as calculator, or a regular expression, such as calc*.
关键字可以是字面值(比如 calculator),也可以是正则表达式(比如 calc*)。
Look closely at calculator calc. That represents the server somewhere out there in cyberspace.
For calc, you can download savings calculators, budget tables, balance sheets, and other templates.
The specification of the calc attribute contains the fact that the XML contains calculated elements.
The geochemical study shows that the rock is S-type granite, belonging to the calc-alkaline suite.
The major element characteristics show that the intrusion belongs to the sodian calc-alkaline series.
Eocene lavas belong to high K Calc alkaline (HK CA) series and those of Miocene to shoshonite (SHO) series.
All this page does is redirect the user to calculator.jsp under the "calc" Web context. This puts the calculator.jsp.
该页面所做的所有事情就是将用户重定向到“calc”Web上下文下的calculator . jsp。
Like Write, Calc provides features and functions eminently obvious, and yet also vital to the usability of the office.
与 Write 类似,Calc 也提供了一些不同寻常的特性和功能,它们对于办公软件的适用性也非常重要。
IFD calc for Pocket PC is a calculator, that allows you to calculate basic and complicated arithmetic expressions.
Study has shown that the primary rocks of metamorphic supercrustal rocks are mainly calc-alkaline volcanic rocks.
The above tells the Faces Servlet container to send all requests that map to /calc/ to the Faces Servlet for processing.
上面的代码告诉 Faces Servlet 容器,将映射到 /calc/的所有请求发送到 Faces Servlet 进行处理。 Calc, like Excel, has the ability to generate an XML document representing a spreadsheet through one of two formats.
与 Excel 一样, Calc 能够生成通过两种格式(任取其一)来表示电子表格的 XML 文档。
Though very basic and out of context, the data in this example shows that the calc process used between 0 and 6.7% of the machine's CPU.
For example, for this application, you define a namespace of calc and implement the code in a class named CalculatorHandler as in Listing 5.
例如,对于这个应用程序,您定义一个calc名称空间,并实现名为Calculator Handler的类中的代码,如清单5所示。
In this article I discuss a technique I used to solve the practical problem of converting XML into a form that's easily digestible by OOo Calc.
在本文中,我将论述一种我曾经用于解决这一实际问题的技术,即如何将XML转化成ooo Calc易于识别的格式。
The spider diagram of trace element ratio and the REE distribution patterns show the characteristics of the island arc calc alkaline series.
The methodology described here uses Calc, XML, and a PHP script to create a free test scenario or firmware development environment.
这里讨论的方法使用 Calc、XML 和一个 PHP 脚本来创建一个免费的测试场景或固件开发环境。