The economic decision-making in the classical economics is based on emotion and affectivity.
In the management, it USES the speed of network and has the virtues of real-time and affectivity.
The algorithm adopting blurs mathematics and BP neural network is used, the affectivity of model is analyzed.
The inhibiting affectivity on ASR expansion increases obviously with the surface charge density of lithium compound.
This tech can help for knowing formation and fracture parameters, raise fracture operation successful ratio and affectivity.
Aesthetic education is mainly about affectivity education, which is decided by the nature of aesthetic activities and aesthetic feelings.
The formal beauty is generated by the symbolic feeling configuration and implies the aesthetic pleasure with the image and the affectivity.
Human capital contribution can not only suit the jequirity of the contribution objective, but also embodies the affectivity and justice of the law.
Temperamental. Behavioral inhibition, negative affectivity (neuroticism), and harm avoidance have been associated with generalized anxiety disorder.
The color is wordless, but it can deposit a mood in one's heart through permeating the eyes. The color can arouse the affectivity, which can not be ignored.
The simulation is conducted for each control strategy in different wind situations. The results show the reliability and affectivity of the proposed control strategy.
Besides, in order to facilitate applications to check affectivity and consistency of this model, a formal concept model based on hyper-graph data structure is proposed.
This study tested the role of team exchange variables on the relationship between team member's positive affectivity and job satisfaction, and analyzed the moderating effects of reciprocal wariness.