1 词典释义:
sight words
时间: 2025-01-14 01:25:20


  • Why sight words are essential?


  • Why teach sight words?


  • Why teaching Sight Words?


  • What is Sight Words?


  • On the wall hung a schedule for the day, with virtually every minute packed with goals like "I will learn sight words" or "I will learn to compose and decompose teen Numbers."


  • While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: "You have time for whatever you make time for."


  • The default template has motivational words on it that you can print out and keep in sight.


  • I must be able to tell, on sight, which of these words you drew.


  • Straight to the board she walked, and, picking up the crayon, wrote with firm hand these precious words: "Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight!"(Mt.11:26)


  • Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God.


  • The sight of his former wife dumbed the words in his mouth.


  • While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: “You have time for whatever you MAKE time for”.


  • It is a sight often seen in this city's malls on weekends: Indonesian parents addressing their children in sometimes halting English, followed by nannies using what English words they know.


  • In other words, there's really no end in sight here.


  • 9 a greeting to fill the youth, the words of others can not hear, years of condensation in your sight.


  • When Aunt Bette told me about her first sight of the bearded men in the stained blue uniform, she always used the same words.


  • By changing the first letter to "H" and explaining the word is now "HAT" (which rhymes with "RAT"), you can help him or her understand a variety of sounds and also learn to "sight read" shorter words.


  • Some students would shrink back at the sight of so many words while learning English, let alone the complicated grammar.


  • Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, o LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.


  • May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, o LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)?


  • Just put your hand in mine, Janet — that I may have the evidence of touch as well as sight, to prove you are near me — and I will in a few words show you the real state of the case.


  • In other words, the only cure for folly is spiritual redemption, for that alone can enable a man to live as a responsible person in the sight of God.


  • Notice the closing words' Thine is the kingdom... '. Here we recognise the Lordship of Christ. He is king now in God's sight and should be the same for us.
