Loan in the form of equity participation.
Equity loan loan in the form of equity participation.
The rest of the price would be used as our equity participation in the proposed plant.
Insiders say Huiyuan will give up overall sales but get funding through feasible ways such as equity participation.
It is believed Korean companies aim to obtain rare-earth resources from China by equity participation in Chinese companies.
EQUITY PARTICIPATION in real estate offers substantial returns to astute investors, but it also entails high exposure to risk.
As the general staff mobility, not suitable for equity participation, this approach is taken by the implementation of incentive bonus.
The local equity participation in the joint venture must be at least 51 percent, but the profit and loss distribution can be prescribed.
By analyzing he current situation of listed companies equity participation, the paper touches on the causes and possible problems in this p...
By analyzing he current situation of listed companies equity participation, the paper touches on the causes and possible problems in this process.
However, due to regulatory restrictions on domestic and foreign institutional investors can only set foot in the form of equity participation of the domestic market.
The term joint venture 'is used to refer to a multitude of arrangements and relationships, some fairly loose, others characterized by formal equity participation in a new third entity.
About 73% of the world's conventional oil reserves are controlled by national oil companies that don't allow any equity participation by foreign oil companies, ConocoPhillips told analysts.
These and other child development efforts incorporate the principles of equity, child rights, integration of services, a life course approach and community participation.
You are committed to equity, to universal coverage, to people-centered care, to prevention, and to participation which respects the voice and the aspirations of communities.
The line is one measure of poverty, and equity, efficiency and citizen participation should be applied to evaluate its effect.
The Target company does not have any subsidiaries or branches and does not hold any participation, shares or equity interest in any joint venture, company or other legal entity.
The study concludes that, The participation of sport tourism is not correlated with consumers' gender, showing the equity of genders.
Compared with traditional method in terms of staff training, this training approach regards the employees' need and growth as the core, and emphasizes active participation and equity of employees.
The choice shall restrain that the maximum equity purchased from the company shall be 40% or less that, and such kind of participation shall be on the basis of dormancy participation method.