1 词典释义:
section include
时间: 2024-12-30 09:34:11
英 [ˈsɛkʃ(ə)n ɪnˈkluːd]
美 [ˈsɛkʃ(ə)n ɪnˈklud]


  • The rock types of this section include limestone, silicalites, mudstone, shale, dolomite.


  • This section contains some tips and tricks to help make XML mapping an easier task. The tips in this section include.


  • The topics in this section include the following examples of the Settings that are used when you run a generic test.


  • Ideas in this section include activity centres, which are several activities mounted together on one board, and nut and bolt boards.


  • The control schemes for the solvent heat exchange section include the single-loop fixed value control for the pressure in the flashing tank and that for the liquid level of the flashing tank.


  • Be sure you include a good reference section where all your published and unpublished data came from, because you have a lot of unpublished climate data.


  • If your report is longer, your title section could also include a table of contents.


  • Work on the outline for the paper. Include introduction, content section (3-5 paragraphs) and conclusion.

    在纸上定出提纲,包括导语、主题段(3 - 5段)和结语。

  • Pattern specifications include a forces section that Outlines when the pattern should be used.


  • I will revisit CDATA sections in the third article in this series, but for now, suffice it to say that they are less safe than escaping because one CDATA section cannot include another CDATA section.


  • Ministry of Health guidance on surveillance and control of communicable diseases was updated to include a section on s. suis.


  • You can include this element in a project's section so that the project will be rebuilt when some area of the filesystem is modified.


  • When you generate a PDF, you can include the page number of the target section.


  • Many restaurants now have a section of vegetarian dishes. These include Chinese, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Indian, African and Italian.


  • Don't try to impress your supervisor or yourself with a long list of objectives. Also, please don't include sections with several objectives under each section.


  • Changes to these templates can include the partial templates that I'm about to talk about in this section.


  • Its members include businessmen and financiers (as well as the editor of the Economist's business section).


  • Because RMC does not include a process runtime environment (I discuss this limitation in the "RMC wish list" section), it can only support source level weaving.


  • As an example, you could add the line % INCLUDE "lsxsd.lss" to the (Options) section of the Web service and rewrite the GetUserRoles method like this.

    为了举例说明,可以将% INCLUDE “ lsxsd . lss ”行添加到Web服务的(options)部分,然后重写GetUserRoles方法,如下所示。

  • This section explains a number of common mistakes we encountered. These include


  • Make sure that the % INCLUDE "lsxsd.lss" line is in the Options section of the Web service code.

    确保% INCLUDE “ lsxsd . lss ”行位于Web服务代码的Options部分中。

  • As mentioned in the Displaying the HTML form section, buttons in the HTML form fragment must include an explicit call to the submit function.


  • This section explains how to compose a header file and how to include it in Vue script.


  • Listing 7 shows a message targeted for our calculator service sent by a client program that has chosen to include WS-Addressing information in the control section.

    清单7展示了一条由客户端程序(该客户端程序选择在控制部分中包含WS - Addressing信息)发送的目标为我们的计算器服务的消息。

  • In the test Element Details section of the test editor, type a name for the verification point, and select whether to include the namespace XML data in the check (as shown in Figure 2).

    在测试编辑器的Test Element Details部分,为验证点键入名称,并且选择是否在检测中包含namespace XML data(如图2所示)。

  • This section is intended only as an introduction to the rules of building a Parse: : RecDescent syntax and will include actions, remembering the state, rejecting productions, and lexing text.

    这一节只准备介绍构建Parse: recdescent语法的规则,将包括操作、记忆状态、拒绝产品和对文本进行记载。

  • A number of features can be utilized when creating products, and they are described in this section. The features include.


  • For example, to include Angle brackets in a code section.


  • You can include whatever graphic elements you like in a section, including groups and elements (symbols are similar to groups; this article does not have room to address that distinction).
