Many export parts and components that are then assembled in China for re-export.
The new metro cars will be assembled in China at CBRC production facilities in Changchun.
Written on the back of my iPod are the words, "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China."
The site charges a 20 percent premium for made-to-order shoes, which are assembled in China and are not returnable.
It had the same high-resolution screen, an identical processor and the same printed label on the back: "Assembled in China."
The company did not name the offending factories, or say where they were based, but the majority of its goods are assembled in China.
The components are almost entirely Asian: the screen is mostly from Japan, the flash memory from South Korea, and it was assembled in China.
The new China-based owners of Volvo and the Swedish car maker's management team are considering exporting Volvos assembled in China to the U.
Over 60% of China's imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components which are assembled in China then sold to the rich world.
Over 60% of China’s imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components that are assembled in China and then sold to the rich world.
Over 60% of China's imports come from the rest of Asia, but about half of these are components that are assembled in China and then sold to the rich world.
Meanwhile, without the world buying goods assembled in China with parts produced elsewhere, many Chinese workers would have to go back to their farm land and perhaps poverty.
But it is assembled by British contractors rather than in China.
And this year we have assembled aneven broader and deeper team, here in China, to address our growingagenda.
The first of the vessels to be built is still being assembled in Huludao Liaoning north-east China and could provide energy to the man-made islands in the area reported the People's Daily Online.
The menu in China features enlarged images of foods on a lighted board and a transparent kitchen, where skeptical customers can watch their food being assembled.
The aircraft is assembled in both Pakistan and China, with the engines coming from Russia, and most of the other components from China (which calls the aircraft the FC-1).
飞机在巴基斯坦和中国装配,采用来自俄国的发动机,并且大多数其它部件来自中国(称飞机为FC - 1)。
The structure of the Israel pavilion is structural steel pipes which will be prefabricated in China and quickly assembled on site.
It is the first time a major manufacturer has fully assembled an airliner in China, a major landmark for the country's rapidly growing aviation industry.
Executive Desk System assembled by TOHOLY in China, reflects own style and confidence .
Hand petal of intravenous needles for single use is assembled by hand in most enterprises in China, but there are many shortcomings.
The European company Airbus has delieved delivered the first Afri 28 A320 aircraft assembled at its factory in China.