When corn came to Europe from Mexico, now they had a much hardier crop that could be grown easily in more northerly climates and the centers of power began to shift accordingly.
Yet he adds, "They are not hardier than other people."
The fish, Chen notes, are hardier and don't require as much work.
It is much hardier than lemon, however, though less hardy than grapefruit and sour orange.
Theoretically, experiments with genes that confer resistance to disease or herbicides could create hardier weeds.
Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields - of food, fruit, or other products - and be hardier.
When a full course of medication isn't completed, a person's system is cleared of only the weakest germs, leaving room for a hardier strain to thrive.
Climate change is improving once-uncongenial British conditions; harvests are earlier and sun-hungry French varieties are replacing hardier Germanic vines.
Because slime mold finds the paths that are most resilient to faults or damage, it could be used to make mobile-communication and transportation networks hardier.
Meanwhile, recent discoveries show that microorganisms are much hardier than we thought, meaning that even planets that are not terribly Earth-like might still be suited to biology.
The find has stirred excitement among those working to restore the American chestnut, and raised hopes that scientists might be able to use the pollen to breed hardier chestnut trees.
The queens taken from these hives are then placed in new hives, exposing them to even more "disease pressure." The theory is that each generation of survivors will be hardier than the last.