1 词典释义:
form letter
时间: 2024-12-14 19:00:07


  • Should I use a form letter or a personalized reply?


  • I’ve written dozens of otherswhich came back with a form letter attached.


  • For example, do the end-users want to use the person's first name in a form letter?


  • A mail merge is generated by creating a form letter and associating with it a data source document.


  • Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer (you know what you do with junk mail!)


  • Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer you know what you do with junk mail!


  • After typing a form letter in the word processor, this program adds each customer's name, address and heading to copy of the letter and prints them all out.


  • After typing a form letter in the word processor, this program adds each customer 's name, address and heading to copy of the letter and prints them all out.


  • Even if you have "no defenses, " the form letter says, "you may be able to keep living in your home for weeks, months or even years without paying your mortgage.


  • Then the email launches straight into what read like a copy-and-paste job from some form letter. She wanted my help to vote for something she's doing and tell people about it on my blog.


  • Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.


  • It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter.


  • You should have your motivation letter ready before filling out the application form.


  • The short form string should include each valid option letter, followed by a colon (:) to indicate that the command line option should be followed by a value.

    短形式字符串应该包含每个有效的选项字母,每个字母后面是一个冒号 (:),这表示命令行选项后面应该是一个值。

  • Find a letter form.


  • B: Fill out the form, and put the letter inside this express mail envelope.


  • I've just got a letter form Helen. She says she's coming to India next week.


  • To view the current list of signals, use kill -l (the letter l) command. The list is presented in the form (signal number, signal name)

    要查看当前信号列表,使用 -l (字母 l)命令。

  • First, you must select short form parameter letters and long form parameter names for each parameter value. With a short form (single letter) option, you can execute your script like this.


  • Nowadays some have added another letter to form AIDA (s) : s - Satisfaction - satisfy the customer so they become a repeat customer and give referrals to a product.

    现在有人在其后增加了另一个字母构成了AIDA (S)的模式:S -满意-满足顾客,那样他们会成为常客,并且能为产品提供转介。

  • It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!


  • In a letter to me, she wrote about what it was like learning to play Handel's "Passacaille" : "I have felt, for example, my brain and fingers trying to connect, to form new synapses."


  • Thus far, the accusations have taken the form of an online letter-writing campaign, not a legal battle.


  • A suffix is a letter or a group of letter that we add to the end of a word to form a new word.


  • A. The sharp of the envelope suggests that the letter might be form a woman.


  • The recipient of Verga's letter, in which form the story is cast.


  • Even in this unpolished form the content of the letter is clear.


  • Dr. Holton described the letter as “a feat of eloquent Credo in short form.”


  • Nowadays some have added another letter to form AIDA (s) : s -satisfaction -satisfy the customer so they become a repeat customer and give referrals to a product.

    现在还多了另一个单词aida (s),最后的s是satisfaction的简写,意思是满意度,就是说使用户满意可以让用户变成重复客户。