1 词典释义:
same altitude
时间: 2025-01-11 13:36:19
英 [seɪm ˈaltɪtjuːd]
美 [seɪm ˈæltəˌt(j)ud]


  • More than half were at the same altitude and appeared to mark the boundaries of a massive ocean.


  • The up and down keys will move the camera along a flat plane so that it stays at the same altitude.


  • The F-8 drifted out of formation but returned to within 5ft of PR-32's port wing at the same altitude.


  • The same has happened to the "altitude tent", developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level.


  • At high altitude you have jet streams, and the wind velocity is not the same at all altitudes.


  • The bottom image shows the same echo returns with their altitude mapped according to a second image that displays the cloud-top heights.


  • Mr Buchanan, who on the same expedition also filmed tigers are living at a higher altitude than any others, has filmed wild cats worldwide for more than 10 years.


  • I have to monitor sink rate, altitude, airspeed, AOA, and my stick and my throttle all at the same time.


  • Objective: To study the clinical features of the nosebleed patients during the same periods in the differential altitude and provide references against nose bleed.


  • Look at rolling mountains, beaded style Pingba, deep gorges, high-altitude glaciers, each can be the same as to meet our travel life's imagination.


  • The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity?much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.

    此书的一大特点是提供了500 多幅图,显示了相同的遗传基因所处的区域, 这很像其他地图上用同样的颜色标示同样海拔高度的地区。

  • This algorithm, which first solves target's altitude and avoids ill-conditioned system of equation, can improve the location accuracy with the same operating complexity.


  • The same has happened to the 'altitude tent', developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level.


  • The etiology and pathogenesis of the space DCS and altitude DCS were the same, but the features of the rules leading to their incidences (included influencing factors etc.) were different.


  • The final results gonna be different style because the yeast, water, weather, altitude is not the same and the brewing technology also have minor differences.


  • There is close relation between training intensity and value of PRO. Excretion of PRO in altitude is remarkably larger than that in plain at the same intensity.


  • The Air Force, in the same year, discovered huge orbiting objects between 100 to 500 miles altitude.


  • The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity - much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.


  • At the same time this paper discusses the survey precision of a short distance GPS altitude, and draws some beneficial conclusions.


  • The results show that, under the conditions of high altitude, the flame tube wall temperature of the same axial position is increased with the increase of Mach number;


  • Knowing the direction of error, you can adjust the altitude pointing the same way as in (5) but using finer steps.

    那知道星点移动的方向, 就可用步骤(5)的原理, 以更小的幅度调整仰角。