1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-25 14:30:34
英 [ˈskru:tnˌaɪzɪŋ]
美 [ˈskru:tnˌaɪzɪŋ]

v. 仔细检查;细看;(scrutinize的现在分词)

  • After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth.


  • As a result they are cutting debt, saving more and scrutinizing spending.


  • Scrutinizing shipping window summary and coordinating with USO for any mistake occurred.


  • She also says that customers are scrutinizing the price tags on shoes before trying them on.


  • Often our methods involve scrutinizing new technology and predicting how it could be misused.


  • But in the meantime nobody's held responsible for scrutinizing that crucial point of bird-to-human transmission.


  • If a person is lying they may feel you are scrutinizing them and they will look down at the floor or away from your eyes.


  • I stood at the jewelry counter carefully scrutinizing the glittering stones and creative Settings in the brilliantly polished glass case.


  • Shopping in the modern supermarket demands extra effort only if we're intent on scrutinizing every possibility and getting the best thing.


  • The officers were scrutinizing every one in the column, sometimes speaking to each other, going forward to flash a light in someone's face.


  • When picking out a couch, we can trust our emotions, but we should rely on the rational brain when scrutinizing the fine print of a mortgage.


  • Scrutinizing the funding power behind these top-priced lands, the listed real estate companies are the most important top-priced land makers.


  • Any time an animal is in that situation, they are going to be scrutinizing their caregivers for any response to any signal they are sending out.


  • Industry experts are scrutinizing Samsung's supply chain to see whether the rush to market caused technical problems or led to corners being cut.


  • That at least, is what one had grounds for believing on scrutinizing that face upon which the soul was only seen to shine through a sombre cloud.


  • Through his puffy eyelids Harry saw Narcissa Malfoy scrutinizing his swollen face. Scabior thrust the blackthorn wand at her. She raised her eyebrows.


  • Consumers are also said to be scrutinizing imported foods more carefully these days, and looking for those from countries that have very high safety standards.


  • In a Mike Williams cartoon, two women scrutinizing Rembrandt's self portrait say, "You'd think that if he'd been that successful he would have had his nose fixed."

    Mike William的某部卡通中,两个女人仔细观察林布兰的自画像说,“想想看,如果他当时就这么有名的话,他就会去整他的鼻子了。”

  • First and foremost, they must be aware of it and keep watching to make sure that they're not propagating the impression that Big Brother is indeed scrutinizing every move.


  • Vidale says scientists will be scrutinizing Japan's seismological data in the days leading up to the quake for patterns or foreshocks that could predict future quakes.


  • The female cortex contains a highly developed system for finding and scrutinizing a prospective partner—a system that might be dubbed the Miss Marple Detective Agency.


  • He was washing the display window of a large shoe shop when a young man came to a halt right next to him, leaned up close to the window, and began scrutinizing the prices.


  • There was no room for me after MSNBC launched Countdown: Iraq - a daily one-hour show that seemed more keen on glamorizing a potential war than scrutinizing or debating it.

    有没有空间,我后,MSNBC的发射倒计时:伊拉克-每天一小时的显示,似乎更热衷于g lamorizing一个潜在的战争比审议或辩论。

  • The study on basic data is the key to good seismic data processing, which includes scrutinizing the original data, determining optimum parameters and processing procedure etc.


  • When you and a friend become separated in the mall, you scan the crowd, not scrutinizing every face but quickly filtering out everyone who's too tall, too short, wearing the wrong color of clothing.
