Losing sight of that fact can lose you a sale.
May we use these things wisely while not losing sight of you.
The 85new Tide Art broken up the old form while losing sight of tradition.
This involves setting realistic goals without losing sight of more elevated ones.
They didn't say anything and seated there silently, losing sight of the time of 7 years.
We are so busy responding to random demands we are losing sight of the things that matter.
I still struggle to stay on course - sometimes losing sight of my goals - but I do my best.
Of these, McWilliam’s story of losing her sight – and losing sight of herself – is the most painful by far.
They provide incentives based solely on measurements, losing sight of strategic goals and actual results.
But in striving to be tough, it may be losing sight of the need for markets to be efficient as well as clean.
The Vlachs have learned how to join the society that surrounds them without losing sight of their own unique heritage.
In this global rebuilding effort, we have an opportunity to help rebuild communities without losing sight of the marginalized.
Generously sized picture Windows frame the striking mountain range opposite, so there's no excuse for losing sight of those peaks.
We are losing sight of the customer’s need and [marketers] need to create a multichannel strategy for points of engagement, ” Miller said.
Yet the international community should address this threat in a holistic way, without losing sight of other challenges to the planet's future.
Koyata repeatedly cautioned Mitsubishi managers against focusing blindly on Numbers and losing sight of business ethics amid the fury of competition.
Meanwhile the US has gradually been transforming health care into enhancement care and, perhaps by implication, losing sight of basic healthcare needs.
The basic Libran urge is towards finding balance and harmony with other people and they will often do this at the risk of losing sight of their own needs.
However, it is not easy to give consideration to both of them during the classroom instruction, always with taking care of the meaning but losing sight of the form.
But there's far more risk in Google losing sight of its core business and trying to become the next Facebook than there is in Google continuing to deliver the best possible search experience.
“I did a lot of research, and I thought I knew what it was so I wasn’t worried about losing my sight anytime soon because of it, ” Greene said.
We are in danger of forgetting what has happened and losing sight, in the fog of confusion and concealment, of the profundity of the menace taking shape right before us.
We need to address the issue of non-attendance to stop people from losing their sight needlessly.
The World Health Organization says half of them die within a year of losing their sight.
The little boy was once in danger of losing his sight.
SYDNEY (AFP) - Climate change will increase the risk of people losing their sight through cataracts because of higher levels of ultraviolet rays, an expert said Monday.
He was choked up with the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.