1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-09 17:34:31


  • It can be set to autorun at system startup.


  • Allows the user to run the wizard in autorun mode.


  • I have removed the Autorun entry and it works fine now.


  • Disable autorun of executable file from removable drives.


  • You will have the ability to customize the CD Autorun program.


  • You can build your own CD/DVD autorun programs within few minutes.

    您可以建立您自己的CD / DVD自动运行的程序内数分钟。

  • With the autorun function disabled, the risk of infection is eliminated.


  • The program is autorun, able to switch-off input Baidu from the program.


  • An in-box Bluetooth audio drive, guest mode, and autorun from other devices other and a CD.


  • AutoRun files may infiltrate potential threats into your PC and comprise your system security.


  • The demo or autorun programs created by the Creator, will not stop working after some period of time.


  • Allows the user to run the wizard in autorun mode. This can only be used in conjunction with batch mode.


  • Disable autorun of executable files from removable drives by launching the file kk. exe with -a switch.

    禁用主动运行,一个开关的可履行文件从可挪动驱动器的启动文件kk . exe的。

  • Autorun test: These tests attempt to install to the system in order to ensure they will be started again.


  • This is a really helpful feature as there is no user friendly and easy way of completely disabling AutoRun on a Windows PC.

    这是真的有用的功能,因为没有用户友好和简便的方法彻底禁用自动运行在Windows PC上。

  • What's more, it bundles a so-called "Autorun Supressor" that temporarily disables Autorun after you connect a new USB drive.

    更重要的是,它捆绑了所谓的“自动运行抑癌”暂时禁用自动运行您连接一个新的US B驱动器后。

  • You can change the device name and image, assign a hotkey for calling the stop menu for it, as well as enable or disable autorun.


  • The main focus was to cover files and folders protection, registry keys and values protection and control of system autorun entries.


  • TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2013 is a simple-to-use program that protects computers from infected USB flash disks, such as the autorun. inf file.

    市容us B防病毒2013是一个简单易用的程序,它可以保护计算机免受感染的US B闪存盘,如autorun . inf文件。

  • You have an Autorun Killer, Task Manager, Calculator and file Explorer that only lets you run files, not even a basic context menu being included.


  • Autorun USB Helper is an application that you can use to re-enable the 'Autorun' functionality on any USB flash drive that had this feature deactivated.

    自动运行的USB的帮手,你可以使用重新启用“自动运行”功能在任何US B闪存驱动器有此功能关闭应用程序。

  • Once the realtime protection is activated, the utility is constantly watching over your device, especially when it comes to file transfer and the Autorun.


  • The Scheduler - Schedules automations for the anti-virus protection, for example, virus bases updates, scanning of computer drives, scanning of autorun files.


  • Most viruses attach themselves to executable files, but some can target a master boot record, autorun scripts, ms Office macros, or even in some cases, arbitrary files.


  • Due to the large amount of malware-related problems associated with Microsoft AutoRun we have created a free utility for our user community called Panda USB Vaccine.


  • It manages to create an antivirus shield by locking the autorun. inf file, which usually gets infected with all types of threats that may compromise your system's security.

    它管理通过锁定autorun . inf文件,通常被感染所有类型的威胁,可能会危害您的系统安全创造一个防病毒屏蔽。

  • Although it's supposed to run all the time, APO USB Autorun remains very friendly with hardware resources and it's no surprise given the fact that it's being distributed as a very small package.
