It is long known that Earth's orbit around the Sun changes periodically, cyclically affecting the way solar radiation strikes the Earth.
Cyclic: The animation Image is repeated cyclically.
Well if they were thinking long term or cyclically they probably did very well.
Rules involving targets for cyclically adjusted deficits can accomplish both goals.
A single ultrasonic transducer is switched cyclically between transmit and receive mode.
It is discovered that the truth values change cyclically by analysis of the paradox proposition.
That is why the requirement of balancing the budgets cyclically in the medium term might be contradictory.
Carbon dioxide was led into the solution and the calcium carbonate was deposited which could be cyclically used.
For mild steel immersed cyclically in seawater, -0.95v (SCE) was suggested as the protective potential criteria.
推荐海水间浸低碳钢的阴极保护电位判据为- 0.95 V (SCE)。
The direct and recursive constructions for a cyclically almost resolvable cyclic directed triple system are given.
The solid base catalyst in the method has the advantages of low in price, convenient recovery, and cyclically used.
In the proposed cyclic training structure, all types of training symbols are transmitted cyclically at each antenna.
Roll shell's thermal stresses cyclically vary with the changes of its temperature field in the process of twin roll casting.
There are periods of time at which an increase in the money supply is warranted, to meet demand and then cyclically reduced.
The byproduct copper sulfide was transformed into copper oxide by roasting, which was cyclically used in the next syn - thesis.
On the tank tody install Milo board or labyrinth type clamp cover, which can contain heating or cooling medium to heat or cool cyclically.
The cooling water is used cyclically so as to achieve circular re-utilization. Therefore, the auxiliary device is a device saving water resources.
The fork-join framework supports several styles of ForkJoinTasks, including those that require explicit completions and those executing cyclically.
fork - join框架支持几种风格的ForkJoinTasks,包括那些需要显式完成的,以及需要循环执行的。
Taking this into account, the cyclically-adjusted primary budget balance (which excludes interest payments) would need to improve by around 7% of GDP.
When a flexible negative plate electrode cyclically moves, deposited dust on the plate electrode can be automatically cleaned by a double-face brush.
Cyclically buoyant earnings are further encouraging companies to gear up - with the added benefit that high leverage can discourage private equity bidders.
Taking a bucket foundation as an example, the cyclically accumulated deformation of soft soils under the action of cyclic loads in calculated and analyzed.
Likewise, gasoline inventories are building counter-cyclically as refiners chase stubbornly high cracking margins and consumption runs at -2% year-over-year.
Nevertheless, although the cyclically adjusted ratio has fallen from a heady 44 in 1999, it is still around 20, a level well above the historical average of 15.
On the best long-term measure, the cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio, Wall Street looks overvalued on a multiple of 21.9, some 33% above the historic average.
The cyclically adjusted real p/e, developed by the US economist Robert Shiller, works on the basis of reported corporate earnings rather than broad economic activity.
美国经济学家罗伯特•希勒(Robert Shiller)提出的调整后的周期性实际市盈率,是建立在企业发布的收益、而非广泛的经济活动基础上的。