1 词典释义:
matter of law
时间: 2025-01-02 19:25:07


  • Many people believe that what has happened during the campaign is a case of conscience rather than a matter of law.


  • It is a matter of fact whether the parties enter into the contract, but it is a matter of law whether of not the contract is legal.


  • It is a matter of fact whether the parties enter into the contract, but it is a matter of law whether of not the contract bis legal.


  • A summary judgment is used when there is no disputes as to the fact of the case, and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.


  • For example, no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angular momentum absolutely prevents such a movement.


  • Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us.


  • Of course law is law, and fact is an entirely different matter.


  • It's been a matter of state law.


  • Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?


  • Given a law of gravity and an assumption about how the matter is distributed, the next step is to work out the dynamics of the universe - how space and the matter in it evolves with time.


  • No matter what your industry - whether it's it, entertainment law or engineering - your employability can only be enhanced by knowledge of a second, third or fourth language.


  • The increase in the strict obedience of the law, no matter the circumstances, is the result of efforts to make more people aware of the laws in recent years.


  • The wife decides the delicate question of who is the father of a child, and her word in this matter is law.


  • Everyone has to comply with the Data Protection Act, but apart from that it is often a matter of guidelines rather than law.


  • Under a 1986 law, money has to be raised for a purpose, such as a building.However, this is a matter of substance rather than form.


  • Now, one hopes to solve the puzzle a different way: using a modified version of Newton's second law that would eliminate the need for dark matter altogether.


  • Where a law or administrative regulation prohibits or restricts the transfer of the subject matter, such provision applies.


  • The strictures of XML are compatible with this law on the server or database side, where managers can impose conservatism as a matter of policy.


  • For a girl, marrying into the husband's household was not so much a matter of marrying the husband, then, as marrying the mother-in-law.


  • This is sort of a theological treatise, and the main point of the treatise is: you're not justified by works of law, by any works no matter which law, you're justified by grace through faith alone.


  • The art of story-telling, intensely personal and subjective as it is, yet comes under the law sufficiently not to be a matter of sheer ``knack.''


  • That matter, known as the Rapanos case, involved a Michigan developer and a large tract of land, and turned on the question of when wetlands are connected to the waters covered by the clean-water law.


  • In any particular case, it is a matter of experimental fact whether the variations are in accordance with the normal law or not.


  • No matter who led theocratic theory and Oriental Despotism can not dominate today, only let people generate faith in the heart of the law, the law has to have authority.


  • Structure the risk by who system that undertake whether subject matter of contract law damage, lose risk bear the system.

