Carousels are essentially slideshow navigations, in which the content rotates vertically or horizontally (hence the name "carousel").
Moreover, Italian sailors were deserting and emigrating, and captains, no longer recruited from the ranks of nobles, were weak on navigations.
Study on the representation of Macau in Elizabethan England (1589-1600), namely in Richard Hakluyt's Navigations.
Designing your navigations as easy to understand.
It's nice to have multiple navigations, such as one in the header and one in the footer.
The great geographical discoveries and great navigations lead to great spread of diseases.
Speak of from the network information navigation in digitized era, probe into the information navigations…
If the great explorations by the great navigations have made great discoveries, the discoveries become great geographic ones.
At present, power electronics technology is quickly extending and applying to the implements for trackage traction and navigations.
We travel around the five Continents on a small stamp, and we also pray for peaceful navigations across the four Oceans in the world.
Both of these states are special because they are nothing more than navigations (they usually show up as menus or tabs, depending on the style of UI).
A strong solar storm is expected to hit Earth shortly, and experts warn it could disrupt power grids, satellite navigations systems and plane routes.
Search subject core Websites from a lot of dynamic out-of-order Web resources is foundation of subject navigations, individuation services and information push.
Navigations are still very useful for spiders and people getting to your site through searches rather than by navigating through the site (the old-fashioned way).
It has considerable application prospects and can be widely used in navigations and high-power solid-state source of civil electronic equipments on millimeter wave band.
If you are new to online dating, it can be hard to understand, with numerous pages and questions to fill out, profile pictures to add in, text-style lingo, blank responses and site navigations.