How to treat this case to produce result as 0?
如何对待这种情况下产生的结果为0 ?
I believe that these principles that be the person will produce result in the works of the aftertime.
Some applications take source XML documents, and produce result documents in an entirely different form, such as HTML or CSV text files.
Because the traditional SOFM often produce result with color distortion, it setting the map size with different length according to the complexity of images.
针对传统s OF M易产生色彩的映射畸变,根据彩色图像自身不同的复杂度自动选择不等边距的映射网络。
It is possible to produce a result within 34 hours but the standard turnaround is 12 days.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》However, their response fails to produce the desired result because it ignores the root cause of the problem-debt levels that have become unsustainable.
Although different access paths for the same SQL statement produce the same result set, they most likely do not perform the task with the same level of performance.
The reality is that these "contracts" never produce the desired result; they simply define the battlefield on which opponents will square off as soon as things go wrong.
These two modes follow the same basic model but produce the final result differently.
The flow manager processes a defined execution sequence, or service flow, that will invoke the required services in the proper sequence to produce the final result.
Read transactions require a consistent view of the data -- meaning if two read transactions are submitted at the same time, they should produce uniform result sets if they select the same data ranges.
读事务需要数据的一致视图 —— 即当同时提交两个读事务时,如果它们选择相同的数据范围,那么应该产生一致的结果集。
Use cases are represented with DITA tasks, which identify a discrete set of steps taken to produce a result.
This operator extracts account ID values to drive a join operation that can produce the desired result set.
These operations work together to form a series of computations from source data to produce the result of a query.
Animal products are inefficient to produce and result in a net loss of available calories and protein.
With the "Repeatable Read" data region fetch requests issued multiple times within the same transaction will always produce the same result yielding better application throughput.
Query users can often wait for minutes or even hours, depending upon how much data must be searched in order to produce the result set requested by the user.
Exactly how the two drugs interact to produce this result is not yet clear.
Reconciliation may not produce the relevant result if this aspect is not properly configured.
In essence, the goal here is to create a small language that allows users to type in relatively simple algebraic expressions that this code will evaluate and produce a result.
If you're still using XSLT 1.0, you can probably produce multiple result documents, but it would be through extension features that vary from processor to processor.
如果您仍然在使用XSLT 1.0,那么还可以生成多个结果文档,但是只能通过扩展特性做到这一点,而扩展特性随着处理程序的不同而不同。
This should produce the result in Listing 13.
这将产生 清单 13 中的结果。
But words often fail to produce the desired result and we end up having to repeat ourselves the very next day!
This will produce initial target data as result.
A client invokes a service that may produce a synchronous result.
Taking one action will produce a result.
There are a number of independent variables, which, when taken together, produce a result — a dependent variable.
多个自变量综合在一起可以生成一个结果 — 一个因变量。
But WOC systems are there to produce a result.
However, because you know that the added strings will produce a result, you can see what can happen when the fuzzer is successful.