You load up the car and I'll sort the kids out.
《牛津词典》A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.
The ship is now lying off, ready to load up.
And don't load up on just any emerging market stock.
Next time you go shopping load up on "grab and go" fruits.
Along the way, the train stopped many times to load up on coal.
After you load up your demo app, run JPS and note the returned vmid.
Plug in your iPhone and load up iTunes (if it doesn't load automatically).
Of course, don't load up on anantioxidant-rich food if you are allergic to it.
This will load up a BASH-like command prompt where you now use the GRUB command.
So that's what we want to load up with electrons, and then see if we can remove some.
So that's what we want to load up with electrons, and then see if we can removesome.
People use bin packing algorithms to figure out, for example, how to load up container ships.
A prediction that the dollar will tumble 50% more isn't a good enough reason to load up on anything.
This leads to the conclusion that every additional image used in the Synth look adds to load up time.
据此可以下结论,在 Synth 外观中使用的每个附加图像增加了装载时间。
"If you can keep a good stock down," Schwarz wrote, "then you are able to load up for the ride back up."
Kids who load up on salty meals and snacks get thirsty, and too often they turn to calorie-filled sodas.
This quake has the potential to load up the plate boundary, increasing the likelihood of a quake at Wellington.
It's basically to get you to load up Python on your machine and make sure you understand how to interact with it.
Anyone can now enter the URL to RSS.php and load up a fresh RSS file with all your great new content contained within!
现在任何人都可以通过输入到RSS . php的url,加载包含您的全部更新的新rss文件了!
In this case, you will connect to the RSS.php and load up a copy, displaying it in an unordered list (see Listing 4).
在本案例中,您将连接到RSS . php并加载一个副本,然后在无序清单中显示它(请参阅清单4)。
The actual content of the.aspx file determines the assembly (or assemblies) that the application object will load up.
Firms that manage to load up on credit still suffer because they bear interest costs long before the money is actually needed.
Shoppers can't afford to load up at the supermarket and are going to the most convenient places to buy emergency food items like milk and eggs.
Since plastic shower heads appear to "load up" with more bacteria-rich biofilms, metal shower heads may be a good alternative, said Professor Pace.
If we want to load up the names from several modules inside GHCI, we don't have to do: m + several times, we can just load up several modules at once.
While traders and investors have little more information than that, the switch to a basket could be giving China reason to load up on non-dollar assets.
I would add that it helps to find out his personal likes and style: if he is data-obsessed, load up on the Numbers. If he is a big-picture guy, think macro.