1 词典释义:
make it count
时间: 2025-02-23 18:51:55


  • Remember that your life counts - and make it count.


  • You have to eat anyway, so you might as well make it count.


  • The last 10 minutes are where the best teams often make it count.


  • In football, you can control games but you must make it count with goals.


  • And now as we finally catch up with our schedule, we must do our best to make it count.


  • And if you are going to dedicate 30 minutes to exercise, you might as well make it count.


  • Remember that your life counts – and make it count. You are unique. There is no one like you on this planet. Never has been and never will be.


  • I've just got to keep training well and when I get a chance like today it's important to make it count and help the team win and keep a clean sheet.


  • If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students' academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing.


  • Count the number of ones in each byte of the 8-byte block; if the number of ones is even, make it odd by setting the least significant bit to one.


  • Instead of saying whatever comes to our minds, whenever it comes to mind, instead of engaging in a flurry of digital messages and updates all day long, we should make each word count.


  • If Sony pulled it off - and this is an optimistic outlook of things - it could make Sony a far more attractive company to the groups that count: consumers, content providers, and developers.


  • Explore an activity that you and your kids both really love-other than a sedentary one (TV, video games and the Internet don't count!) -and make a point to work it into your schedule.


  • If the link frequency count is small, make the line black; and if it is large, make it bright red.


  • I tried to get the count a full day after the original count, but there is no way to make sure that my data entry team can time it exactly right.


  • Conceptually, that's a bit simpler, but it would make it awkward to, say, mine your order data to count the most popular toppings.


  • He had yet to speak with Mr. Buffett, who didn't make it to San Francisco for an auction count-down celebration.


  • The point of living your life to the fullest in every aspect is not to increase your reputation; it's to make your life count for God, to invest it in what God says is going to make a difference.


  • It's to make your life count for God, to invest it in what God says is going to make a difference.


  • This doesn't always endear him to his finance executives, to whom he's been known to say, "I want to remind you that it's a lot harder to make money than it is to count it!"


  • Check the shader count using GPU-Z, it should show 1536. Make sure you use version 0.5.0 or newer, the official 0.4.9 version does not support HD 6900 Series properly.

    使用GPU - Z查看Shader数量应为1536,gpu - Z数量的版本要0.5.0或以上,官方的0.4.9不支持6900系列。

  • It only takes seconds for people to judge you, so make the first contact count.


  • We can count on a car that is good over a distance and we will try and make the most of it, trying to get as many points as possible.


  • Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possiblycan, for you may never be able to experience it again.

    让每一天都过得有意义吧。享受生命中的每一刻,尽你所能从中汲取,因为以后你可能没有机会再有同样经历。 膀。

  • After two months of unemployment, she took a part-time job driving a limousine to help make ends meet, though she says she can't count on it as regular income.


  • Count this step "S." It will be noticed that the lady's forward movement will make you turn.
